One sick Trainwreck clone

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She is planted in six inch rockwool cube. I was crazy to have been spraying the bottome of the cube with water instead of watering the top. I also had put her under the HPS light during the day and CFL at night. Not doing that now! She stays under CFL lights 24 hours. She is four weeks old and all her leaves are now turning brown/yellow on the edges and have tips that are curled upwards. ALso her roots are growing out the bottom of the cube so i placed her in a small shallow tray with clay pellets. Where have I gone wrong and will she recover? I snipped off the dying fan leaves to give her a chance, also she is about 10 inches tall and would have been ready to clone till all this happened:wall: Any ideas?


New Member
Sounds like heat stress. Give her a 6-8 hour dark period. She'll need time to recharge everyday unless conditions are absolutely perfect.


Well-Known Member
def. what he said above me...heat stress go 18/6 for a few days and see what happens...are temps where u want them? if not u gotta raise that light until u get around 75 at top of plants