One Plant Closet Grow

high everyonebongsmilie
I am a medical cannabis user and I have one plant I started from seed outside it has done very very well and i live in a area where it is starting to get cold outside so I went and bought one soft white CFL(27 watt and 1700 lumens)
and put my plant in the closet recently after 6 weeks or less outside(i dont remember cuz im really medicated at the moment bongsmilie) its two feet tall and has 9 sets of branches.

I started budding her and she is doing quite well under the one CFL.

Is that CFL Enough?

Right now I have it on a 12 / 12 light cycle should i switch to 18/6 to speed up the budding???



Illegal Smile

Keep it on 12/12 but that isn't even close to enough light. You need to pronto get at least 200w actual of cfls on a plant that size and 300w would be better. Make them mostly 2700 with some 6500.

Illegal Smile

Looks fine now after having grown outside, but if you keep it under such low light for long you'll see what I mean.


Well-Known Member
Remember, it's not so much how many bulbs you have or even their's how well that light penetrates the canopy of leaves. Look into trying to reflect and reclaim as much of that light spilling out to the side as possible so that the lower buds get some.
Remember, it's not so much how many bulbs you have or even their's how well that light penetrates the canopy of leaves. Look into trying to reflect and reclaim as much of that light spilling out to the side as possible so that the lower buds get some.

Yea i just got back from lowes I got two soft white 65 w (3900 lumens) some fatty bulbs. So now she will be under those and the old 27 w ( 1700 lumens ). Is that enough or should i look into getting one more thx thx
shit i broke one of the fattys because i was having problems with it and now she is only under 92w one 65 on top and one 27 on the side for the lower leaves. I will probally b heading back to lowes for more lightt tuesday



Active Member
yea bruh you need some more light. id do one 42w cfl for the top of the plant and have like a y splitter with like 2x26w cfls on ea side of the plant and to me that would be enough but yea if you got money to buy the bigger wattage cfl do it. but with the 42w on top and like 4x26w 2 on ea side of plant with y splitter to me would be enough but im a newbie and still on my first grow. so good luck.

Edit guess i should have read you last post you did. id still go with that 65w on top then if u get like 3 more 27w with 2 y splitters and have em on side i bet you be good. nice plant btw.
yea bruh you need some more light. id do one 42w cfl for the top of the plant and have like a y splitter with like 2x26w cfls on ea side of the plant and to me that would be enough but yea if you got money to buy the bigger wattage cfl do it. but with the 42w on top and like 4x26w 2 on ea side of plant with y splitter to me would be enough but im a newbie and still on my first grow. so good luck.

Edit guess i should have read you last post you did. id still go with that 65w on top then if u get like 3 more 27w with 2 y splitters and have em on side i bet you be good. nice plant btw.

Thx man very good advice thxxxxxx bongsmilie
she is doing so good under these lights, Im not sure if im gona get any more at the moment. What would be the advantages / disadvantages to changing the lights to 18 off 6 on instead of 12/12?


:leaf:THX KushMastuhhhhh:leaf:


Active Member
awesome man this is literally what im doing right now but ive got another desk light with a cfl on it. good luck