one mother (sativa) dont know what to do help!


alryt i have a 1' 2'' sativa mother in the yard, and i was woundering could i cut the gurl down into clones and drop them off in my DWC which consists of a rockwool, hydroton pellets, and a drip feeder, that is fed through the net pot, inside the reservoir?? or should i let her grow she is about a month old and i dont know if cutting it down into clones would increase my over all yield or if it would make it smaller. dose anyone out there have any advice for a clueless fuk like me:?::?: lol :wall:


Well-Known Member
Wouldnt say you're a clueless fuck mate. I have no idea what a 'DWC' is, and im certainly not a clueless fuck. :peace: