One Can Band and a Symphony of Dampers


Active Member
Requesting assistance.

I'm attempting to come up with a ventilation system for my 6x6x8 grow room that (a) cools my reflector, (b) brings in fresh air every 3hrs, and (c) scrubs the air before purging it. I only have one six-inch intake and exhaust to work with, but I have several electronic dampers to route air flow. Here's one elaborate solution, but there may be better options given the cost of dampers; check out the attachment.

Here's my logic... I numbered my dampers left to right, top to bottom but I forgot to do so in img; O=Open, C=Closed. Let the symphony begin...

Cooling HID: 1/O, 2/C, 3/C, 4/C
Scrubbing Cycle: 1/C, 2/O, 3/O, 4/C
Fresh Air: 1/O, 2/C, 3/O, 4/O

My CanFan runs primarily to cool the HID, but every 3hrs I plan to run the scrubbing cycle 10+mins before bringing in fresh air and purging the old/thoroughly scrubbed air. Let me know what you think...
