One Big Pot For Multiple Plants?

I'm running through a few ideas on how I'm going to set up my grow room. Most people that grow from soil operate in either 3 or 5 gallon pots but I was wondering if there was any reason not to build a big box the size of the entire tent so that the roots could spread out a little more...would this cause any problems if the roots are intermingling? I know it definitely would be an issue if working with non-feminized seeds. Has anyone gotten any better or worse results with a setup like this? Thanks everyone!


Active Member
it will work fine.. i have 10 small plants in a mini fridge with only 2 inches of soil and the roots are all together. ive had no problems with my plants
It could work but it could also come and kick you in the ass if your root structure gets to big or they get to the point of beign nearly root locked and start fighting eachother is the only thing i could think of that would go wrong.
Thanks for the opinions guys...have you ever planted in 5 gallon pots and roots were fully extended to where it would even be necessary to have a bigger pot? I plan on leaving the plants in veg for a little extra time to optimize yield so I'm just trying to get the plants as big as possible.


Well-Known Member
Don't know about soil but I tried 6 plants in a big rubbermaid hydro tub and eventually 2 plants took over the other 4.
Alrighty I think I'm gonna go with multiple 5 gallon pots afterall..Thanks for all the help! I'm sorry to hear about your 4 overtaken plants captain :/

XS Brain

Active Member
Thanks for the opinions guys...have you ever planted in 5 gallon pots and roots were fully extended to where it would even be necessary to have a bigger pot? I plan on leaving the plants in veg for a little extra time to optimize yield so I'm just trying to get the plants as big as possible.
Mine always seem to get rootbound in the 5 gallons I go with 10. Seems to help them get even bigger and my last 12 ounce beast was totally rootbound in a 10 gallon. roots were so thick it seemed to soak up water really slow and dry out every day. vegged 11 weeks at least though. repotted just as I switched the lights.