Ona gel... Inside or outside a small grow box


New Member
Hey guys, just wanted to get a general census about ona gel. I have a small grow cabinet... Maybe 30" wide x 24" deep x 31" high. I'm using an ona gel inside to help with odor. My question is will the buds absorb the smell of the ona? Or should I out it outside the box? Thanks in advance ...



Well-Known Member
Outside the tent, you don't want to give it the chance to get on your plants at all. Ona gel works wonders, but after all it is chemicals. Are you running a carbon filter of some sort? Or just relying on the ona gel?


Sector 5 Moderator
Circulating the air through a carbon filter (see the DIY forum for great, cheap, easy-to-make filters) is a lot more effective. I compare Ona Gel to spraying deodorizing spray after taking a big dump in the bathroom; it smells like somebody shit a big pine tree.


New Member
Hey, I dont have a carbon filter yet. Ive been trying different fans out. I had a few computer fans, then a 6" exhaust fan. I made a carbon filter, but it didn't have enough suction through the filter. Now I ordered a S&P TD-100x in-line exhaust fan. It should work with the filter. Guess I'll move it outside the box. Thanks [h=1][/h]


Well-Known Member
The best way to use it is to place it in the room, not the box. You want the person to smell the Ona when they enter the area, not inside your grow box. If you really want to mask a lot of order, Ona makes a fan which sits on a bucket of the stuff, which according to reviews works really well for a month or so. It is supposed to be great. It's on Amazon, check it out.


New Member
Ok thanks for all the great advice. I took it out if the box last night. I still have about 5 weeks left in flowering. Wish I took it out earlier...
you should try those order eliminators from walmart.. 13 dollars a peice and they plug right into the wall.. have a few around the room your box is in and it will probably take the smell away along with the Ona gel...

thats what im going to be doing anyway... im going to ahve those plug in filters... ona gel and a diy carbon filter

love the smell... but it is such a distinct smell that everyone just about knows what it is... lol so i have to be clean and fresh lol