On a deserted island. . .


Active Member
Hello fellow smokers. I was wondering what would happen if I got stranded on a deserted island and could only select three things to bring. I know it's unrealistic, but reality isn't the point.

What three things would you bring to a deserted island?

I would bring 2,000 pounds of the highest quality marijuana seeds contained in a very nice, air-tight container, a solar-powered generator, and an unbreakable axe. made by dwarves.


Active Member
keep in mind i want an axe made by dwarves, so reality is not the key. my island has some tasty soil with the nicest of nutrients, and an inland waterfall which is the source of a sweet, freshwater river!


Well-Known Member
well if i was going to your island and you already had all of that i'd bring 3 mexicans and if my calculations are correct in three years we would have an island with a population of three thousand and your crop would get trimmed in a three hr time frame