On a budget $100 auto fem windowsill grow

Hi guys this will be my first journal. I'm in Canada and summer is quickly approaching so I wanted to try growing some lovely ladies on my window sill for cheap. Below are my ingredients



argh does anyone know why I can't edit my original post? I would like to keep just editing that instead of having new replies each time. This way users don't have to scroll through pages of replies to see the journal.

Below are my ingredients(take 2):

see attachments -> I tried linking the images in so you don't have to download them but i don't have enough likes, so please like my post (i need 2) if you like it :)

Also I lost 1 seed along the way because i let the paper towels dry out which was my bad.

A thing to note about the stain names!!!

Early Miss is the only strain that I know, I made up the other names for fun as they came from the feminized auto mixed pack. Pretty excited to try and figure out what they are once things are moving along. Hope you all enjoyed the thread so far



Well-Known Member
argh does anyone know why I can't edit my original post? I would like to keep just editing that instead of having new replies each time. This way users don't have to scroll through pages of replies to see the journal.

Below are my ingredients(take 2):

see attachments -> I tried linking the images in so you don't have to download them but i don't have enough likes, so please like my post (i need 2) if you like it :)

Also I lost 1 seed along the way because i let the paper towels dry out which was my bad.

A thing to note about the stain names!!!

Early Miss is the only strain that I know, I made up the other names for fun as they came from the feminized auto mixed pack. Pretty excited to try and figure out what they are once things are moving along. Hope you all enjoyed the thread so far
If I’m not mistaken it’s a time on editing so after a certain time it will expire!!! And I think there’s no way to bypass the scrolling through the journal

Welcome to rollitup !!!


Well-Known Member
I made my grow journal entries try to stand out in my first journal. Like this:

Day 6 from seed :arrow: 5/16/19 9:00 am 80 plus Seedlings all together!

Example text on what's happening ect ect..
Thanks for the tip Zspy1985 I'll try out your style.

Day 7 from seed

Girls are going well. Death Note seems to be leading the pack by a fair bit. I think there is a fair bit of stretching going on as the seedlings are quite tall and haven't started growing there bottom leaves yet?


Day 8 from seed

So i think i'm having some real issues with stretching. I watered the girls this morning and death not practically bent horizontally and my heart skipped a beat as i thought she might snap. Do i need to get some gardening stakes to hold her up? On a positive note girl number 4 "psi" has finally burst through so i'm happy about that.



Well-Known Member
Congrats on Psi coming though! :clap:

I was going to say something about Death Note getting super stretchy. They usually do that when they want a couple things like a bigger pot or more light.

Personally I'd repot into bigger solo cups as I've seen many grows finish in them but become root bound and run the risk of issues.

Look good still!

Edit: With them being autos if you stunt them now it will affect them through out their entire life. Psi will be a runt vs the others and everyone always swears autos do great in their final pot and dislike transplanting.
Congrats on Psi coming though! :clap:

I was going to say something about Death Note getting super stretchy. They usually do that when they want a couple things like a bigger pot or more light.

Personally I'd repot into bigger solo cups as I've seen many grows finish in them but become root bound and run the risk of issues.

Look good still!

Edit: With them being autos if you stunt them now it will affect them through out their entire life. Psi will be a runt vs the others and everyone always swears autos do great in their final pot and dislike transplanting.
Yeah I'm just going to garden stake them for now and see how they go :)



Well-Known Member
Do you have a fan on them? Will help make them a bit stronger without the need for a stake.

A lite breeze like nature :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
They need more light. They are stretching because they do not have enough. You have weeks to go until they need to be placed in bigger pots. You are not going to enjoy the yield of this.
They need more light. They are stretching because they do not have enough. You have weeks to go until they need to be placed in bigger pots. You are not going to enjoy the yield of this.
yeah the light thing is a problem. I don't really have any way of getting more, i'm not able to supplement it and that is the sunniest feasible spot in the apartment. Its ok the seeds cost me $7, so if I can get a gram of each plant i'll be happy.

Do you have a fan on them? Will help make them a bit stronger without the need for a stake.

A lite breeze like nature :bigjoint:
haha no room for a fan, it's ok the garden stakes are working for now. Like reallybigjesusfreak mention and you have htye are jsut not getting enough light so they are lanky girls XD


Well-Known Member
Ahh yeah no sun will do that. If you have to do a stealth I would suggest a grow light and control the environment.


Well-Known Member
you can put them in a window for additional sunlight and even add supplemental light light a t5 or a few CFLs or a cheap LED panel, if you wanna do it cheap. you'd be suprised what some people pull off with such little resources haha but if you want big output get real lights. never skimp on soil/ nutrition and ventilation that is key
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