Omg Noob.


Active Member
ive recently started trying to grow some plants in my basement and ive already gotten 2 wayy different plants. one is developing its 6th and 7th leafs' already but has noo stem strength at all and falls over. the other plants stem is super long and it only has two leaves. what do you suggest about that falling over plant and whys the other one growin lika champ? thanks


Active Member
yeah i just started using a fan and ive got two lights, 150 watts each haha. and the soil is a mix between peat moss crap and some other stuff with white dots in it. theres also this weird white mold growin in them both

jay cas

Well-Known Member
the lights are key... sounds like your stretching your plants. this is happening cause of 1 of 2 reasons or both.... 1: insufficiant lumins or 2: the light source is not close enough.

tell me more about what kind of light it is, watt, spectrum, and distance away from top growth and il help u out more

blunt onE

Active Member
have it so the fans are blowing quite hard, but not to hard on the plants, this builds the stems strenth...

in other words... direct the fans towards the plant, so its swaying... its just like building muscle...

go read that "how to grow cannabis " thread.....


Well-Known Member
IMMEDIATY REMOVE THE PLANTS FROM THE SOIL...well first go buy some decent soil from a garden centre, maybe some with worm castings in it, but what ever it is make sure it has good drainage...for added protection get some pearlite to add to your this ASAP, and try to r emove as much of the soil from the roots as possible without damaging them too much...good luck, your going to need it.


Well-Known Member
I was going to say but i didn't want to bum you could save's all up to what you do over the next 24 hours.


Active Member
seriously? they have been doin it well with the mold for a while now. and the leafy one has already survived a transplant already. its probably hopeless but at least its entertaining. me and my roomates are going out tomaro to get soil. any suggestions on soil and whatever else i need for at least a good chance of yeilding?


Well-Known Member
Something that maybe has no nutes at all...that's what i use...then when you start feeding you know what's going in there. But if you can't find that get something that"s N-P-K ratio is higher in (N) and low in (P)&(K). should do fine with that for about 3-4 weeks before you wold start feeding it. Any mold in soil is no good at all...hence why your plants are becoming weak. Just get that new soil tomorrow and start fresh with that.

Stay away from Miracle Grow's crap and i think everyone here agrees. Scotts has some good soil that's PH is close to neutral.


Well-Known Member
I made the mistake and others will warn you, never ever get this stuff. it has (your aforementioned) white dots in it. it also promotes mold, (sounds alot like your stuff) it's way too acidic (it'll burn your plants; make their leaves turn yellow). anything else works just fine. no fertz for first 2 weeks water every 3-4 days. keep fan on them. keep temp 80 deg f.