omg Job apps


Active Member
I have been lookin for a good job the past couple weeks. Its goin slow not the point of the thread. im not blamin anything for that.
Anyway on all of the online apps there is a "The following are statements about many attitudes and experiences. Read each statement and select the answer that best describes you. Work quickly - choose the answer that comes to mind first."
its about 30 to 150(office depot if you care) questions depending on the company. Its so fucking pointless. am i the only one who thinks this. I understand that its a personality test but what if my personality is i do better talking to people then taking a dumbass test before you will even see me. just want to spit dat out


Well-Known Member
those tests are designed to catch liars, cheats, and theives. other then that they serve no real purpose other then to ask you the same question 50 different ways.