Old toker here, show your age, be nice!


Well-Known Member
How many of you are old enough to remember back in the early 70's.
When all there was was Mexican.
We bought lids for $15 .
A lid was as much weed as you could pile on a coffee lid, until it would fall off the edges, then put in a baggie.

Also nickels and dimes.
Nickle was 1 figer of weed.
Dime was 2 fingers.

And it always had seeds.

Good day all.
I remember everything had seeds.

My next grow will have some of those strains from feminized seeds, just to see if they trigger memories and have a difference with out seeds.
I got busted when I was in the 10th grade. I came home from staying all night at a friend's house.
Mom found two joints in my front pocket. She asked me, what is this? I said, I was just trying to act cool and I broke the filter off of a cigarette and twisted the ends.
My mom said, I don't think that's very funny as she crumbled it up in the waste paper basket.
And life went on.

Felt good sharing that,
How about tie-stick? Jamaican, was also a rare treat. Also, burn a little hash under glass. Wow, had not thought about that for a long time.
We used to refer to that as pheasant under glass. A bar that I used to hang out it was a pin a coaster and a large glass. If anyone came in we could ditch it easy and those days you could smoke cigarettes in bars.

Did you ever smoke a Thai stick as a whole, I always broke it up. I am hoping to recreate them this season as burn it as a whole.
We used to refer to that as pheasant under glass. A bar that I used to hang out it was a pin a coaster and a large glass. If anyone came in we could ditch it easy and those days you could smoke cigarettes in bars.

Did you ever smoke a Thai stick as a whole, I always broke it up. I am hoping to recreate them this season as burn it as a whole.
That was not physically possible with the ones we smoked. After about 6 hits we were done.
We used to refer to that as pheasant under glass. A bar that I used to hang out it was a pin a coaster and a large glass. If anyone came in we could ditch it easy and those days you could smoke cigarettes in bars.

Did you ever smoke a Thai stick as a whole, I always broke it up. I am hoping to recreate them this season as burn it as a whole.
We may have just brought it back.