Old Seed germination help


Well-Known Member
Ive kept seeds from all the buds ive paid for over the years only ever kept ones from nice bud tho ! theyve been stored in sealed bags for id say around 2 years now.

I germinated my first batch a couple of months ago in tissue and had good success rate but a little slow.

So i decided to germ again but this time using a cheap germinator from garden store.

And it seems to be much slower than the tissue method i was hoping this would be quicker ?

what other methods are there , im aare some seeds could be dead but ive got millions so doing a few at a time.

Ive seen the sandpaper tube way going to try that next , just looking for more ideas.


Well-Known Member
put them in a shot glass full of water & some place really warm, they should show roots in less then 2 days if they r viable.


Well-Known Member
Ah the cup of water techinque , cheers dude ill give that a splash if these others havent come through by weekend. :) and damn man its doesnt let me rep u enough :P


Well-Known Member
lol, well thanks for the generous thought. Generally I pop them in a shot glass for 12 hours then plant directly in soil. But some seeds r stubborn (especially older ones), so those I will put in the glass in my flower room (real hot in there) over to the side out of the direct light, & they usually sprout tails in about a day, then I plant.


Well-Known Member
your welcome you answer alot of my questions :) my germinator showed me a young sproutling this morning guess im being impatient i for got the roots gotta grow before the young leaf shows :P

Gave the sand paper method a go best by far germinating in 6 hours :)

Will give the glass of water a whirl 2mrw :)

shame i got some many just wasting em lol bad me :(


Well-Known Member
Alot of saving over years buddy finally sick of paying the extremely rising prices here. Thinking the growings more addictive than the smoking tho !


Well-Known Member
its quite nice actually knowing the babys are secretly growing it helps take away the cluck on smokeless days , now day 4 of no smoke :(


Well-Known Member
24hrs my seeds have been in a glass of water and nothings happened -.- just cant beat the tissue method :/


Active Member
Germinating is all patience my friend, I have germinated seeds where some show root in 24hrs and others in 48. Just give em time. I really like the wet paper towel method in a ziploc. Keeps the moisture in just make sure the paper towel isn't to wet but not dry.


Well-Known Member
I used the shot glass method, been working great so far, for heat i just stuff the shotglass in behind my ps3 in my entertainment center, get real warm and they sink within 6 hrs


Active Member
Found using a heating pad to keep the spot consistently warm helps..
I put one in a towel and keep it under my cloning tray. I put lots of water in there but I have an aquarium undergravel filter plate on the bottom so my plants are not down in the water. That warms and humidifies.


Well-Known Member
Theyve finally sank took 48hrs tho ! There starting to sprout however. How long should i let the sporut get until i take them out ?


Active Member
Some like to let it get a little length, but I plant it as soon as I see the white tap root coming from the seed. My thinking is the smaller/shorter it is, the less likely I am to damage it in the move.


Well-Known Member
fair enough m8 , they always get long in towels , just water was so slow , have moved them to a towel and will be planting soon