Old crop versus new crop


The plants pictured in my signature flowered early and were almost 11 weeks before I cut them. They are jarred and curing now. I tried a sample a couple times and it seems the new smoke makes me anxious and keeps me awake. I looked at the tricombs and they are mostly crystal like. A little amber but not as much as when they were green. I looked at my last years weed that I am comparing them too and the tricombs are a golden honey color. Last years weed looks great gives a long high. This years weed gives a shorter high and makes me anxious. Will this get better over time?



Well-Known Member
It the tricromes are crystal/clear, the plant was cut a bit early, which is a speedy high. Your looking for cloudy, with some amber.


The tricombs were definitely milky and a long time in flower. They did flower through the heat of Michigan summer though so it did lose some of its fragrance.
