okay heres the deal


Active Member
i have about 500$$ to work with on this op. never grew indoors. so if someone could help and give me some ideas on what all i need. that would be amazing


Active Member
more money'd help. not to be a dick, but the shit get's expensive. first you need a business plan, even if you are just growing for personal use, put a cost to income list on paper. account for everything. nutrients, power bill, rent, anything that could fuck you if you run out of funding. find the best deals you can and do a bunch of research on what techniques and equipment will work for your space and budget. make sure you have steady income and are willing to stick it out if you wanna start with just 500. in my experience, the money finds it's way to you if you show the dedication to the ganja gods... but be prepared to spend money most times you run into a noob problem.


Active Member
Well, one of the highest expenses in my experience is lights. With a budget that small you'll wanna look into cfl's and flouros. You can get 24" flourecent fixtures at wal mart for like $5 ish a piece and grow bulbs to go in em for around $5 too. Definitely not the best but considering the budget..If your lookin to go cfl can you wire a homemade reflector yourself? If not Home Depot has clamp lights for around $6. I don't remember how much they are but when I was in there the other day they had 300 watt cfl's and if i remember right they were fairly cheap. If your doing hydro for nutes I'd recommend Botanicare cns-17 trio, that's what I use and they are $26-$28 a gallon. If your going soil I don't know alot about that but I used Fox Farm trio. If you wanna go hydro especially being your first time I'd recommend dwc. You can get Rubbermaid tubs pretty cheap and Petco has a 4 port air pump for $23 I think. You can find cheap enough air stones at Wal Mart pretty cheap. Also while your at Petco look up cheap drip ph test kits. Don''t get the little hanging things there not accurate at all. I know its all lower end equipment but thats the best i can think of for a whole setup for $500. that's a really tough budget for a first timer to work with. Good luck dude