Okay first timer question


Alright well last year I asked you all about growing, but I gave up because i moved to a place with a medical facility near by but now I am back in an undisclosed area with no medical facility. Lucky for me I have seeds, my question is simple can I grow with a normal desk lamp I just want one plant. It's lowryder auto flowering, I dont care about size of yield or quality but will the plant bud.. thanks :leaf:

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
yeah possibly if you give it the right light you might need more then just one bulb tho
for auto flower you keep it at 18/6 all the way threw but idk if you change lights when it starts flowering because the plant uses different light spectrums for veg and flower


Well-Known Member
just get some cfls.i do like 8 per plant..and once it starts flowering i switch to 2700k.


Well-Known Member
dont know the wattage but should grow a plant if thats all you want to do! good luck


Active Member
I would have to agree with the post about cfl's. I don't feel that 1 small desk lamp would be worth the time/risk. With just a few cfl's though, you could get a productive harvest. I would suggest 6500k until the plant shows it's sex. Then switching to 2700k once you've confirmed it is female. Maintain at least 18 hours of light whole way through. Best of luck.


Well there feminized seeds and i don't know what "risk" your talking about... but from what I'm hearing you guys are saying one desk lamp with a cfl bulb will not produce bud?


Well-Known Member
One cfl bulb isn't going to be very good. You are gonna want more than that. You might be able to get by with one, but the yield is going to be pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Yep, you can go from start to finish with one cfl bulb. I tried it in my "male isolation closet". I got close to a half. It can be done.


What watt of CFL should i use? Also it says 6 weeks from seed to harvest on the seed box does that actually mean 6 weeks??
Thanks alot for all your answers, If this works ill post pictures at harvest time :)

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
use the most you can i have 69watts total 3 23w cfls over one plant and its growing nice you can choose however many you want and think is good
it might be 6 weeks but that seems really short it would probably be more like 8 or 9


Well-Known Member
I have rarely found the "flowering time" specs to be spot on. There are just too many variables. And just as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, every link in the growing process must be optimized, for best results. If you lack the proper nutrients, growing medium, light requirements, ambient temps and air exchange, these things could, and many times do, affect plant maturation. In addition to this, not all strains are going to be so stable as to mature at exactly the same time. Just roll with it my man.