Ok.. now what?


Well-Known Member
Ive been growing this unkown variety that came from buds that were real skunky and real sticky...and they were really thick and green and each bud was about 4-4.5 grams... of good stuff....well Ive had these seed growing for 30days today...they are growing short and fat and smell really good!!! they have Monster leaves and the tops are starting to turn a lighter shade of green..almost a yellow... nothing else is wrong other than some plants seem to be growing faster than others so with these plants so Im wondering if its too soon to clone? if cloning not out of the question... then I ask...ok.. Now what.... thanks for the input.



Well-Known Member
the yellowing might be a sign they are ready for a SMALL amount of food now(or maybe not,but they are about the right size to start feeding either way,lol), i'd start at 1/8 strength.


Are your plants from feminized seeds? or do you not know the sex of your plants? If you dont know, and your not in a rush to grow the plants, id consider putting them into flowering stage for a few days so that you can determine which are females and then revert back to the vegetation stage where you cna focus clong ONLY your female plants.
Just an idea --- thats what we are here for

FYI - im in flower week 5 of my first grow (not an expert - but i have learned lots) I grew and played with 6 plants, lsting, topping, and cloning... I had 6 plants with 2 clones that when i flowered ended up with only one female - It was good experience to grow and play with the plants but I would only grow females from now on... no doubt


Please explain to me what "preflowers" are?
I have never heard nor read about preflowers nor have i come across information about sexing plants before they are put into flowering. Only tip I have read is that males can grow faster than females.

MX450 - When i cloned my plants I had about 6 nodes on each plant. I cut the plant just above the second node in order to produce a larger plant contained two main colas. The remaining top 4 or so nodes that were removed i just placed in water immediately and under light for two days, then planted into very moist potting soil and plant was cloned. No tools necessary my friend, clong the easy way. This method has worked for me 3 times thus far and no failures.

Also, your plants have enough nodes that you can kill two birds with one stone: 1) clone each plant once, and 2) increase possible yield with original plant by producing two colas


Well-Known Member
What are preflowers?

Preflowers, as opposed to full blown flowers, generally appear after the fourth week of vegetative growth from seed. Check carefully above the fourth node. Please note that preflowers are very small and and almost impossible to differentiate without magnification. A photographer's 10x loupe is handy indeed when examining preflowers.

As the images below demonstrate, the female preflower is pear shaped and produces a pair of pistils. Frequently, the female preflowers do not show pistils until well after the preflowers have emerged. Thus, don't yank a plant because it has no pistils. Pistillate preflowers are located at the node between the stipule and emerging branch.

Also, some female preflowers never produce pistils. A female preflower without pistils is difficult to distinguish from a male preflower. Thus, hermaphodite issues should not be resolved by the appearance of preflowers, without pistils, on a plant otherwise believed to be a female.

Female (pistillate)

Image courtesy of MrIto

Female (pistillate)

Image courtesy of Uncle Ben

The male preflower may be described as a "ball on a stick." However, its most recognizable feature is its absence of pistils. Sometimes, a male plant will develop mature staminate flowers after prolonged periods of vegetative growth. These appear in clusters around the nodes.

The following image shows a male plant in early flowering. Staminate flowers are located at the node between the stipule and emerging branch.

Male (staminate)

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Image courtesy of PLAYn



Well-Known Member
btw, i dont want to take credit for something i didnt write but i forgot to put it above. those are from our growfaq, i did not write them and dont claim to. props to the original author/s


The female pistil and male pollen sacs are not produced by the plant until the plant is placed into the flowering stage. Preflowers grow very shortly after the plant has been placed into flowering.
Those are preflowers which are produced when the plant has been signalled to reproduce, which is caused by the shortening of sunlight hours. Preflowering in plants would actually affect the fitness of a plant as the plant would be wasting energy by producing preflowers when the plant has no indication that it would be flowering soon.

If you veg a plant for 6 months as in 18 hours on and 6 hours off, the plant will not produce and reproductive parts yet.


Well-Known Member
no, plant DO show preflowers during veg. check it out some more and if you still dont believe me ask any seasoned grower on here, they will all say the exact same thing. its a FACT, no getting around it.


If by seasoned grower you mean outdoor, then preflowers are produced while daylight length is shortened. In nature, there is not sunlight for 18 hours a day for 2 months and then all of a sudden it switches to only 12 hours. Daylight hours slowly decreases from 18hours average to 12 hours average, and when sunlight hours is shortened to about 15 hours for example, the plant is starting to realize that the onset of fall and winter is coming and thus we should preflower. At this stage, this would be the ending of the vegetative stage and beginning of flowering. Plants do not produce preflowers unless they are preparing to reproduce. Plants do not reproduce during vegetative growth and thus investing in preflowers is ineffecient and lowers the reproductive fitness of the plant. If instead the plant continued to spend all of its energy into growing taller and thicker in vegetative stage, and only preflowered when necessary, this plants reproductive fitness would be greater than the plant that invested less energy into growing.

So, since this is an indoor grow and plants are grown (hopefully) under an 18/6 and then switched to a 12/12; the plants do not produce preflowers.


Well-Known Member
the yellowing might be a sign they are ready for a SMALL amount of food now(or maybe not,but they are about the right size to start feeding either way,lol), i'd start at 1/8 strength.
not sure what you mean by a small amount of food. Ive been growing these plants in dirt that has a good mix of all the minerals...


Well-Known Member
Please explain to me what "preflowers" are?
I have never heard nor read about preflowers nor have i come across information about sexing plants before they are put into flowering. Only tip I have read is that males can grow faster than females.

MX450 - When i cloned my plants I had about 6 nodes on each plant. I cut the plant just above the second node in order to produce a larger plant contained two main colas. The remaining top 4 or so nodes that were removed i just placed in water immediately and under light for two days, then planted into very moist potting soil and plant was cloned. No tools necessary my friend, clong the easy way. This method has worked for me 3 times thus far and no failures.

Also, your plants have enough nodes that you can kill two birds with one stone: 1) clone each plant once, and 2) increase possible yield with original plant by producing two colas

Purfict...Is there a video that shows EXACTLY how and what you are talking about? I have these 4 beautiful plants and I dont wanna screw them up.. thanks

Am I Norml

Active Member
not sure what you mean by a small amount of food. Ive been growing these plants in dirt that has a good mix of all the minerals...
dark destruction is right about the preflowers and the states needed to produce them...and as for your wonderful mix of minerals in your soil....MJ is a very hungry plant and it will burn through your nutrients in your soil in a very short period of time ..bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
The female pistil and male pollen sacs are not produced by the plant until the plant is placed into the flowering stage. Preflowers grow very shortly after the plant has been placed into flowering.
Those are preflowers which are produced when the plant has been signalled to reproduce, which is caused by the shortening of sunlight hours. Preflowering in plants would actually affect the fitness of a plant as the plant would be wasting energy by producing preflowers when the plant has no indication that it would be flowering soon. /quote/:dunce:

DarkD is correct. A plant will show preflower when it becomes sexually mature. Be it during the veg stage or being forced to flower at a young age.

If you veg a plant for 6 months as in 18 hours on and 6 hours off, the plant will not produce and reproductive parts yet./quote/:dunce:

You are so wrong. A plant will show sex during 24 hrs of light when it become sexually mature. You need to study more.


Well-Known Member
If by seasoned grower you mean outdoor, then preflowers are produced while daylight length is shortened. In nature, there is not sunlight for 18 hours a day for 2 months and then all of a sudden it switches to only 12 hours. Daylight hours slowly decreases from 18hours average to 12 hours average, and when sunlight hours is shortened to about 15 hours for example, the plant is starting to realize that the onset of fall and winter is coming and thus we should preflower. At this stage, this would be the ending of the vegetative stage and beginning of flowering. Plants do not produce preflowers unless they are preparing to reproduce. Plants do not reproduce during vegetative growth and thus investing in preflowers is ineffecient and lowers the reproductive fitness of the plant. If instead the plant continued to spend all of its energy into growing taller and thicker in vegetative stage, and only preflowered when necessary, this plants reproductive fitness would be greater than the plant that invested less energy into growing.

So, since this is an indoor grow and plants are grown (hopefully) under an 18/6 and then switched to a 12/12; the plants do not produce preflowers.
actually flowering happens when a build up of auxins and other hormones occurs, these hormone are always produced during plant growth there is a large misconception that photo period is the sole catalyst or trigger for flowering this is mostly because of the fact that light is destructive to these hormones so that when the plant is subject to light less frequently more of the hormones will be allowed to accumulate thus inducing floral growth. However as a plant matures it produces more flowering hormones allowing it to produce buds. It is possible for a marijuana plant to produce enough of the auxins and other hormones to flower outside of a 14/10 photo period. End of story a plant flowers when it is mature enough to not when you decide you want it to even in 24/0 you will get some pre flowers as the plant becomes mature, although you my not be able to produce any quantity this way because of the amount of auxin being destroyed by intense light..... and just another bit of information just so you know, actual outdoor light periods depend on global position parts of Alaska get periods of light near 22 or more hrs for months on end and they can still grow bud there. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
purfict one day you should do yourself a favor and keep a plant in 24/0 for 2-3 months and see what happens when you switch to flower. you might shit your pants. then try adding UVB for 6-8hrs a day.