OK .... How many here?

just now?
odd.... i'm confused??? It's been plastered over every site and news station for days...
The last person I know who said that...was married and had 4 girls. There wasnt a day where he wasn't hearing about it.
He would leaveon the firday when we showed up and came back on the sunday. After many years I asked him....
"where do you go on the weekends....? " He says... " Away from here, can you blame me? "
now I have a completely psychotic 50 year old woman...living next door....
who yesterday started a huge fight with the family on the other side..resulting in two cruisers being dispatched...
I was not at all involved in yesterdays drama....
tonight its our turn I guess.....I was weed trimming my side yard....since it needed done...
I go out and start weed wacking and about 2 mins goes by and I look up to this woman.....flipping me off.... from her back door.....then starts yelling at me that I'm pussy whipped...and I'm an F_ _ _ing A_ _ hole...and some other choice words...
she then starts saying I touched her tree....which currently was 35 feet from me...
SO far this is the fourth time this month she has been verbally attacking me...sometimes....it gets quite rude....involving
my wife as well...
she has done these bully sessions....in front of the other neighbors and in front of my kids....who fortunately are grown up
for the most part, and just now .... she also included one of our family friends who was visiting...
seems every time I set foot on my property... on our side in common...she begins to attack...
and tonight I'm not a man....and i'm pussy whipped...etc...
I am beginning to think that maybe she is mentally ill.....and definitely drinking... every day
I don't want to be fighting with someone who may need to be under a doctors care....but she has been taking many many low blows....
My wife is currently calling the OPP non emergency line.....asking for some advice...
on how we should be proceed ....
now I have a completely psychotic 50 year old woman...living next door....
who yesterday started a huge fight with the family on the other side..resulting in two cruisers being dispatched...
I was not at all involved in yesterdays drama....
tonight its our turn I guess.....I was weed trimming my side yard....since it needed done...
I go out and start weed wacking and about 2 mins goes by and I look up to this woman.....flipping me off.... from her back door.....then starts yelling at me that I'm pussy whipped...and I'm an F_ _ _ing A_ _ hole...and some other choice words...
she then starts saying I touched her tree....which currently was 35 feet from me...
SO far this is the fourth time this month she has been verbally attacking me...sometimes....it gets quite rude....involving
my wife as well...
she has done these bully sessions....in front of the other neighbors and in front of my kids....who fortunately are grown up
for the most part, and just now .... she also included one of our family friends who was visiting...
seems every time I set foot on my property... on our side in common...she begins to attack...
and tonight I'm not a man....and i'm pussy whipped...etc...
I am beginning to think that maybe she is mentally ill.....and definitely drinking... every day
I don't want to be fighting with someone who may need to be under a doctors care....but she has been taking many many low blows....
My wife is currently calling the OPP non emergency line.....asking for some advice...
on how we should be proceed ....
just beginning to think? :shock:
Please.... pull out your phone and record this. You don't have to show her face. Just a recording of her rantings would be something to hear.
We've always said they're just as many crazies in the north...they're just spread farther apart.
Sorry you have to be right beside one.
I have a neighbour that continually writes me letters about my dogs and how I'm breaking the law (which is bs) by the way. Also likes to send the dog catcher to my work to harass me and the latest is a potition to get two jack russels which i happen to own out of the neighbourhood. So last time they bothered me I handed them the municipal laws on dogs and told them if they keep harassing me I will seek legal counsel... Lol like I have the cash for legal counsel but the bluff worked haven't heard from them since
just beginning to think? :shock:
Please.... pull out your phone and record this. You don't have to show her face. Just a recording of her rantings would be something to hear.
We've always said they're just as many crazies in the north...they're just spread farther apart.
Sorry you have to be right beside one.
I can't believe you asked him that! lmfao....
just beginning to think? :shock:
Please.... pull out your phone and record this. You don't have to show her face. Just a recording of her rantings would be something to hear.
We've always said they're just as many crazies in the north...they're just spread farther apart.
Sorry you have to be right beside one.
great idea! cap that shit.
hell throw it up on youtube.. the angry neighbor lady channel.. make some cash off it
Well Cannadan let her be as much as you can . Sounds like if she is on to the other neighbor then she may hang herself there. Hopefully just don't hang out on her side much and if she is yelling shit don't look her way. Use some big ear protectors while doing the yard work and she'll think you simply don't hear her. She'll get bored with you and move on. Or go shoot the whore right between the eyes.....which it sounds like she might deserve. If you do shoot her...eat her too.
She sounds a little dangerous to me and risky to be living beside. I'd avoid all contact until they haul her off. Make sure you got nothing to do with that or she may think you had her fucked over.
Because you can't simply go over and give her a fuck whaling legally. I'd let her hang herself with other neighbor's.
now I have a completely psychotic 50 year old woman...living next door....
who yesterday started a huge fight with the family on the other side..resulting in two cruisers being dispatched...
I was not at all involved in yesterdays drama....
tonight its our turn I guess.....I was weed trimming my side yard....since it needed done...
I go out and start weed wacking and about 2 mins goes by and I look up to this woman.....flipping me off.... from her back door.....then starts yelling at me that I'm pussy whipped...and I'm an F_ _ _ing A_ _ hole...and some other choice words...
she then starts saying I touched her tree....which currently was 35 feet from me...
SO far this is the fourth time this month she has been verbally attacking me...sometimes....it gets quite rude....involving
my wife as well...
she has done these bully sessions....in front of the other neighbors and in front of my kids....who fortunately are grown up
for the most part, and just now .... she also included one of our family friends who was visiting...
seems every time I set foot on my property... on our side in common...she begins to attack...
and tonight I'm not a man....and i'm pussy whipped...etc...
I am beginning to think that maybe she is mentally ill.....and definitely drinking... every day
I don't want to be fighting with someone who may need to be under a doctors care....but she has been taking many many low blows....
My wife is currently calling the OPP non emergency line.....asking for some advice...
on how we should be proceed ....
get your phone out and let her know you're recording..it'll drive her nuts! if she sees you coming towards her all the time with your phone pointing at her, she might stop because she knows you're gathering evidence.
Hahaha you said something about her tree..... hippy is like she will hang herself.... is this premonition
we recorded her a few times thru the day....but that didn't stop her...so the wife called the non emergency line of the opp
and asked their advice....and they were happy to advise her...regarding restraining orders and a few other things...

she managed to leave her self dangling in the wind....by calling 911 last night on me....
when the police showed up I was actually napping....so my darling wife...woke me so I could watch
her unravel ....she was so scrambled in drunken thought and madness that the police basically told her
to mind her own business...and to leave the neighbors alone on either side and for her to stop calling the emergency number...
the more he told her to mind her business....the more she lost it...she could not manage a coherent thought and swore a blue streak at the cop.....who basically told her if he had to come back he would arrest her....
mind you she has called them more than 30 times on the kids on the other side of her....in the last year....

anyhow after monday....when the wife has an appointment with a justice of the peace....we will be able to do more...
according to the police...

we have done our best to ignore her...and keep to ourselves....for reasons obvious to most on this forum

this is the last thing....that we would have normally wanted to do...especially to a direct neighbor...
but she will just not leave well enough alone...