Ok first griw gone south, i have a questiin about hermied plants


Well-Known Member
Ok so here it is my first grow was doomed from the start, first i took clones from a blue dream plant that i know had no past hermies in the year she has been cloned these were takin of for clones 1st of october. only i wasnt knowledgeable on what a clones roots should look like before transplanting them into their final pots like i said first timer, doing it first cause i always wantex to now that im in my 40's i figure its now or never. Second its out of nessesity and i was rushing to vet started tk get some money rolling.
So i had the two blue dream and to get back ti the transplant when i took them out of the solo cups i wasnt aware that i needed to gradually increase the pot size so they went straight to 7 gallon buckets when i put the in i noticed that they had maybe three of four roots that were well pittiful. i never expected to see them make it a week let alone to week 5 of flower! so the day i planted them i went and got real clones that were all suppose to be the same strain, they weren't! so what i ended up with is 2 berry ryders, 2 la confidential and two hash berry on top of the two blue dream that just kept showing a little more growth every day.
the veg went as planned they looked great, then i defoliated them at the start of week2 of flower for two reasons first is an old man, happens to be my friends grand father who has been growing longer than ive been alive said if i did i could increase my yield. second is because the reason i asked him about it is because the plants never streched, maybe because i fucked with them alot in veg trying too keep them small and controllable. well i suceeded in that but then the canopy was so thick the leaf were laying on top of one another 4-5 layers thick! litterally!! So i got stoned and comensed to stripping them to the point that the only leaf left on the plants were the bud flats. i know why would i do that ive heard ut all. they all bounced back and thats when things got real bad.
the blue dream looked great, i was thi king wow the old man may have something here cause ive seen clones from that very mother grow full term and the buds were not even close to what i have at 4 weeks. infact at the end of 8 weeks they still werent as big as the ones i have at 4. the others ended up getting pm, the nightmare of nightmares for first timers! experienced growers would have taken preventitive measures so it would never be an issue. But as a rookie grower i never gave it a thought. so I e been dealing with that so the blue dream was looking fantastic no pm and growing like weeds ( no pun intended) so because they are so big i decided to check the tricomes to see if the had even started to cloud and what is the first thing i see, A FUCKING BANANA IN THE MIDDLE OF MY BEST TOP BUD!!!!! So i jumped on the interweb and went to finding out what the hell they were. then my heart dropped as well as my hopes of having a slight harvest of healthy bud.
Now there is ni history of hermies in that strain i apparently am the one who put them through more stress than they could handle so the flipped at cour weeks i noticed it but they had to flip either right after i raped them or soon after cause the not only had bananas the are full of seeds. So if all this wasnt bad enough i have the pm under control for the most part and was prepared to ditch em any time, then after i discovered the hermies i started to make myself convince myself that they can be maintained at minimum fir another couple weeks. they wouldnt be full term but the closer they get to that the better the hances of decent product to not smoke because of pm but to process into dabs or something. but now i went and gave them a good look and wouldnt you know it the got pollinated by the blue dream! They only have two or three seed sights on a few of the bigger buds where the pm never reached. So my question is since the blues hermied from exess stress probably from a couple weeks ago i had a tough week in the room. First a faulty timer put a light on for about 3-4 hours of the off time in 12/12 that sure didnt help but then my heater shit the bed one night when it was -5 outside since my shed is outside they git pretty cold. the only reason they didnt freeze is because my room is insulated better then most homes that and i check them every hour or 2 when im home since the light thing happened.
It would be nice to salvage something out of this debacle, so will the seeds that were pollinated in the other plants be feminized? I know that if the strain that hemiex has others that did from the same mother its likely genetic and all the offspring will hermie if grown indoors, outdoors is 50/50. But like i said they came from a mother with no history of clones that hermied, and the others though have a slight case of pm are a herbie free to my knowlege. so will those seed be usable and will they be feminized
your number one problem is trying to grow plants by internet committee.

besides that they hermed from stress, next time don't stress them, get a better timer, clean your area then clean it again.

hermies are not the end of the world, the seeds are probably fine if they even make it to maturity. They aren't guaranteed female, sprout them or don't, it's your choice.

you have stated out loud all of your mistakes, just learn from those and move on. Cut them down if you want, in my experience when someone repeatedly seeks validation from a group their intentions are already set. Cut them down already, clean your room, and begin anew.

just because someone is old doesn't mean they know dick about your particular plants, I almost lost 30 tomato plants one year because an old man told my partner they needed a big shot o some o that meerkul grow to perk em up.

stop worrying, you will be fine, pick a method and stick with it, and take all advice with a grain of salt.
your number one problem is trying to grow plants by internet committee.

besides that they hermed from stress, next time don't stress them, get a better timer, clean your area then clean it again.

hermies are not the end of the world, the seeds are probably fine if they even make it to maturity. They aren't guaranteed female, sprout them or don't, it's your choice.

you have stated out loud all of your mistakes, just learn from those and move on. Cut them down if you want, in my experience when someone repeatedly seeks validation from a group their intentions are already set. Cut them down already, clean your room, and begin anew.

just because someone is old doesn't mean they know dick about your particular plants, I almost lost 30 tomato plants one year because an old man told my partner they needed a big shot o some o that meerkul grow to perk em up.

stop worrying, you will be fine, pick a method and stick with it, and take all advice with a grain of salt.
You're probably right I know that I just got a little excited because of my first grow really hoping to do well things got a little out of hand I took too much advice from too many different people but to be honest with you to do foliation in my opinion was not a mistake. Though this next time I believe I'm going to go with autobloom just because it's a lot less stressful and I'm really need a crop to come through I'm more than likely, like you said just going to cut my losses clean my room order some seeds and start anew but I really need to make something off of this and the only thing I can do is to finish them and make a little bit of prophet by processing them into dabs can't go wrong with making guide but I still need to let them finish it to do that. Since I'm not planning on starting another one until the first full moon and do it by the moon FaZe. From what I understand that's the right way to do it if you want a decent yield and have less issues with your plants. As far as how they got stressed out I got stressed out cuz I have a faulty timer click on one of my lights and I'm not really sure how long it was on probably 3 to 4 hours into the 12/12 dark cycle that's what you stress them out that and we lost power a little while ago and the room got almost down to 38 degrees nothing I could do about it
to me going by moon phases sounds like superstitious nonsense but what I believe is of little consequence to your gardening plan, to each his own lol. Looking at your pics I can't tell why you want to cut them, they look fine to me, the herm is really nothing to get worried over, folks will buy your stuff regardless. Do you have powdery mildew or not?