Oil prices hurt P Diddy


Well-Known Member
reminds me of that episode of southpark when their band moop goes on protest for illegal song downloading... if youve seen it you know what im talking about

heres the actual video


Well-Known Member
publicity stunt, what an idiot i mean are we supposed to feel bad for a guy with 300 million net worth. I feel bad for the mom that has to drive her kids to school and go to work with gas the way it is. This guy is a Tool


Well-Known Member
he knows hes a tool thats why he has no problem posting videos about his major tool-ness

and he was NOT flying coach what a liar


New Member
Even if he was flying coach, he can suck it up. What a jerk-off.

Maybe he should get himself a smart car and drive his ass where he wants to go.


Well-Known Member
He is right though, just he honestly isn't in the group being hit the hardest about it so he shouldn't be whining that bad about having to fly first class.


Active Member
His "Saudi brothers and sisters" give me a break , for all we know his great grandfather is probably WHITE , besides Saudis are clearly a Arab race , if your going to be an advocate to a cause PUT SOME BACKBONE INTO IT GREEDY ASS


Well-Known Member
Diddy really is a smart guy most of the time. He hasn't made any money off his songs in a while, but he's still rich as all hell because he knows how to invest his money


Well-Known Member
I dont see why you give him such a hard time... it seems he is talking in general... like in an ironic way"oils too high lower it" possibly saying it for everyone else... but if you were famous for how many years of your life would you have an insane ego.. id think so.


Well-Known Member
Very True...

Look at this thread. Free PR for him because of what he said. Exactly what he wanted.:peace:

Diddy really is a smart guy most of the time. He hasn't made any money off his songs in a while, but he's still rich as all hell because he knows how to invest his money


New Member
I dont see why you give him such a hard time... it seems he is talking in general... like in an ironic way"oils too high lower it" possibly saying it for everyone else... but if you were famous for how many years of your life would you have an insane ego.. id think so.

I'm makin fun of himn because, he earns more money in one year then I will most likey earn in a life time, yet he wants the Arabs to give him free oil?

Maybe he should try downsizing his lifesytle like the rest of us.

Sorry just can't feel sorry for him.