oil or hash yield?

Hello, I have just finished growing a couple of modest plants. One is a few feet tall, the other about 2 feet. I am thinking of using the trimmings/stems etc to make either oil or hash. Which would be better to do? I understand there are risks of making oil if you aren't careful. Is hash the safer alternative?


Well-Known Member
are you willing to spend about $50 for some bubblebags (or the equivalent) if so id say make some bubble hash


Active Member
are you willing to spend about $50 for some bubblebags (or the equivalent) if so id say make some bubble hash
All you need is coffee filters, a kitchen sieve and ice. Costs me less than $2
And you can smoke oil with hot knives and a needle. Or a portable way is get a razor blade from a face razor and wrap some fuse wire around one end, Blu Tac or something to keep your fingers unburnt at the other end, use a lighter to heat the wire and put a drop of oil on it and poof its smoke

Light House

Active Member
Honey oil. Trust me bubble hash is weak after you smoke oil. Get some vector butane build a PVC tube (there's no residue from the PVC we pay thousandss to get our oil tested and never have other material in it. Its efficient to smoke and will get you rocked!


Active Member
Even better. Put all your trimmings in a coffee grinder and get them nice and ground, put vegetable oil in a frying pan just enough to fill the bottom, pour all your trim in the pan and get all the trim wet with the oil and let it sit for about 20-30 minuets, then get a coffee filter or close wire screen of some sort and drain them into a cup and make brownies with it. But if you must have hash or oil go with honey oil but you'll need to buy a "honey bee extractor" and some butane and you can make a decent amount of honey oil from a small amount. That's the easy way to make honey oil but the extractor it pretty pricey but you can always you tube how to make one.