oh no is this bud rot?


Well-Known Member
Not to sure about bud rot..... It looks to me that there is some white powdery mildew going on there..... Sorry bout what happened bud, that sucks! Better luck next time... I don't think it's safe to smoke, you MAY <<<<<Important word<<<<<< MAY be able to cook with it tho... I'd say just wait for someone else to come along and spread some light on the subject.


no way to save it then? even if it's powdery mildew? i have been spraying with high ph because this stupid plant kept getting it on the fan leaves. also, can this spread to others in the garden?


Well-Known Member
no way to save it then? even if it's powdery mildew? i have been spraying with high ph because this stupid plant kept getting it on the fan leaves. also, can this spread to others in the garden?
~I dunno of a way to save them because I have never had to deal with PM. That's definitely what it looks like to me! I helped a buddie harvest, and he had PM and it looked JUST like that!

~Just an FYI here, but it's usually not a good idea to be spraying plants while they're in flower. So if there is budrot, I would bet money that it's from so much water on the actual BUDS.

~And you know I'm not sure about it spredding either. I would say yea, it caould definitely spread to your other plants... I could be wrong tho, like I said, I've never delt withb PM before.

Sorry again bud, hopefully someone with some insite on PM will stop by before to long.


Active Member
bugg25 - you are fighting Powder Mildew/mold, as far as the white baby powder stuff. Bud Rot is a greying on the actual bud part, and turns very spongy and soft. I would say bud rot is worse than PM because PM doesn't get on the bud, it only gets on the leaves. So it's a PITA to trim, but you can still smoke it; its fine. Bud rot, on the other hand, will/can spread fast and wipe out your main colas in a jiffy.

PM hates water sprayed on it, so that's a band-aid solution - you can just spray it down. The real true way to really combat PM, and be proactive about it, is to get a sulfur burner, but they are about 120$ each. You wouldn't want to use them too far into bloom. You can try foggers, I tried the past 2 cycles I had PM, but the foggers never seemed to help.

and yes, PM can spread


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's a bud rot either. Leaves adjacent to affected areas get pulled out easily. If they don't consider yourself lucky.


Active Member
You can lower your humidity below 50% aswell to help with the Powder mildew from forming. It thrives in humidity above 50% so to lower below would be putting it in an enviroment that its not prone to growing in. Im having a problem as well. Ive been using a product form local hydro shop called Serenade, along with a dehumidifier to lower my humidty. GL .


That's powdery mildew and I would not smoke it. Mold is nothing to mess around with. I use a leaf polish to prevent pest and mold problems to begin with. I will suggest one thing and that is to clean the ever-loving shit out of your grow room. Wipe it down with 50/50 bleach/water...twice!

I've battled powdery mildew and WON but not to say there were no casualties! lol

Also get some ventilation in there...move the air like a fuggin hurricane


Well-Known Member
Trim it away and your good to smoke, Also if some is just too moldy you can cook it into butter with no health problems. Bud rot, Powdery Mildew bud when unsalvagable for smoke, it can be cooked into butter, you kill all the harmfull mold and spores at around 120 degrees farenhiet. Hope that helps anyone who thinks it's a total loss


Active Member
That's powdery mildew and I would not smoke it. Mold is nothing to mess around with. I use a leaf polish to prevent pest and mold problems to begin with. I will suggest one thing and that is to clean the ever-loving shit out of your grow room. Wipe it down with 50/50 bleach/water...twice!

I've battled powdery mildew and WON but not to say there were no casualties! lol

Also get some ventilation in there...move the air like a fuggin hurricane
what if you do have good ventilation, then perhaps its the humidity?

I recall painting every bit of wood surface in my room with white paint to combat PM years ago. I also recall the double bleach/water wash on the floor and walls.

I know what I'm doing this weekend. :/


Well-Known Member
Are you in California? Most of the dispensaries around here are concerned with the amount of PM they're seeing coming from clones and product from California. Problems from a HUGE MJ boom


Active Member
Are you in California? Most of the dispensaries around here are concerned with the amount of PM they're seeing coming from clones and product from California. Problems from a HUGE MJ boom
You saying that pm is like herpes and the clones from california are carrying the herp and spreading it elsewhere? btw do the dispensaries automatically reject bud with pm on them? what if its just a few patches here and there? and is powdery mildew hard to detect on buds? How do you inspect the bud before taking it to the dispensary?

dont expect you to answer all of my questions, just the thoughts in the head. if you could answer 1 or 2 though that would be great.