oh batman, now what?


Well-Known Member
I still think hes a faggot, no super powers just a old man with some knives that jumps alot. And what the hell you could see the alien in the background behind him. Besides the predator shot the alien in the head, there blood is acid, pure acid. and u could see the green splater everywhere didnt batman get burnt by the acid. pure bullshit. i hate u batman FUCK U BATMAN i really doubt that a human somewhat bat shaped knife was able to guy a highly safisticated civilization of preadtors knife. i mean come on. FUCK U BAT BOY


Well-Known Member
lol never even heard of it. i mean alien vs predator good match we have a strong alien race but a stronger predator which is basically another alien looking creature with advanced technology. but common that vs a guy in pajamas in some custom made knives. not impressed especailly when batman wins cause hes the underdog. i hate shit like that make it be realy i wanna see bat mans head flying off and the predators dreadlocks covered in batmans blood lol. that would be funny shit. or like just knock him out and the predator as a joke takes his close and leaves him stranded naked . and at the end u see the predator in the sunest walking holding the batcape and shit dragging on the floor. i mean make it be real