Off we go have everything for mushrooms now just advice....Help?


New Member
So far i have my water heating up to the proper temp. And i have my thermostat in and waiting to get to about 78 dergrees.

Once the water is at the proper temp. I take the jars and make sure that the lids are tight with the foil on them and put them into the container.

Question is i believe that i wait 3 weeks once they are in there, and once a week open the jars for fresh air.
When do i put the spores into the jar?
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Well-Known Member
Spores go into liquid culture. colomized Liquid culture goes into grain jars. Colonized grain jars go into compost/manure.

Anything else is just fucking around.


Well-Known Member
You need to colonize the jars before you put them in your setup. Typically it's done once the jars are completely cooled after sterilization.

You need to watch this video.