OF Course it starts well !!


Plants have been growing dramatically for 3 months, BUT in the last 2 they have slowed down a huge % - about 75-85 - slower. They are a little over 2 ft and each1 is in a 7 gallon pot. Reg outdoor soil , water em almost daily and miracle grow every once ina while.

Any ideas ?? I say maybe i need2 get a bigger pot ??


Active Member
Two things...when you are going to try growing huge plants, you want to GRADUALLY put your plants into biggers pots, this way they are able to create a root structure to the edge of a small bucket, then you transplant into a larger one and they grow a little bit more out towards the edge of the new bucket. By doing this it helps them not to feel like they are root bound right away when they reach the bottom of your giant 7gal bucket.

Also, don't use miracle grow...get some good nutes that won't mess up your ladies.