odysseed.nl any good?

I noticed Connoisseur's Genetics had a link to odysseed.nl on their twitter account. I also noticed GDP S1 was in stock on this site. So I took a leap of faith and ordered two packs of GDP.

I really hope that seed bank is legit and I get those beans in. GDP was a pleasure to grow and work with. It stays so small and the yield is decent. It also tastes better than any other fruity tasting weed I've ever had.

I wouldn't have even bothered to try them unless CG"s twitter account linked to it and not to attitude. I usually use attitude. Attitude has never failed me.


Yo entity, did ya recieve the beans? I juat took a leap of faith just to get my hand on those s1's. From a seedbank with no public rep except for connissuer genetics refering them of course


I also grabbed a pack of GDP. By email odysseed told me that I had to order two packs of seeds to get the free pack of grape lemonade. I only ordered one pack and they ended up sending me some cheesedog with my order. I am extremly happy with odysseed.nl.