Odor Conrol! Can the neighborhood smell your Dank Chems, Diesels, and RKS?


I'm setting up a small indoor grow tent 4x4xx7 in a densely populated area. I was curious as what other are doing to control orders of some of the more odorous strains?


Well-Known Member
Yes. They will stink. The worst one I've grown was a deep cheese. It reeked. Had to double up on the filters and make a tent just to trim in.

If the power goes out you are screwed. Had it happen and in an hour you could smell it outside.

I keep a couple deep cycle batteries and inverter to run my fan and filter.

I run a second can and filter in the room my grow is in. If I open the grow area and stink the room up I turn it in for a few minutes to clear it.

You can never be too safe.


Well-Known Member
Last run my 8 month old filter failed, neighbor who lives 1/4 mile downwind called at first light during 6th week of flowering stating he could smell it, nervous 3 days until new filter could be installed...