Odd Seedling Question This has now happened TWICE!!


Active Member
Id like to think everybody that has helped me so far.

This is the second time this month I have started from seed using the paper towel method going into a mix of 60% peat moss, 30% perlite, and 10% coco. I have phed y water to around 6.8. Temps are around 75-78 rh is around 50 give or take. Under 6500k 4' Flouro's and two 6500k 26 watt CFL's.

THis is the problem, these seeds seem to grow EXTREMELY slow. They germinated VERY quickly some as fast as 18 hours. THey explode through the surface after i put them in my medium Then they stop, First set of TRUE serated leaves do not droop but CURL into a spiral almost back up under themselves I have done many grows but never seen this before anyone one what I can do. Also there is discoloration, any help would be appreciated.!


Well-Known Member
Could be your ph. I'd shoot for 6.2 in soil.

What's your watering schedule?

You gotta think about the variables. There's not too many of them as of now because you are so early in the game. It's either a watering problem, too much or too little. Or, your ph is way off, which is killing them when you water. Or the soils ph is off...

Got any pics?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about the slow growth. Way to early to tell, but the curling shouldn't happen. Are you using nutes? Miracle-Gro perlite?
dude you cant get any seeds to grow cause you are thinking about worrying about all your damn levels of soil and shit... just get some miracle seed starting soil and plop a seed in that alone with some daily water


Well-Known Member
there are zero nutrients in your medium. if you're going to use a soilless medium, you need to add nutes. start weak - say 1/4 strength - and go up from there .


Well-Known Member
FWIW - with that medium you may be able to get away with watering daily, and your pH should be just about right at 6.5. you're right to test it, as you're in a medium with no pH-buffering capability, so keep an eye on it.


Active Member
Sounds like the Ph to your soil is off. You say your watering with 6.8 Ph water, but what is the Ph of the soil? Since your watering with 6.8, Your soil should be about 5.7, give or take a point. Also, what is the distance of your bulbs to the seedlings? The lights should be as close to the plants without burning them.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the Ph to your soil is off. You say your watering with 6.8 Ph water, but what is the Ph of the soil? Since your watering with 6.8, Your soil should be about 5.7, give or take a point. Also, what is the distance of your bulbs to the seedlings? The lights should be as close to the plants without burning them.
you know, that is a good point. Peat is acidic, so you should check your runoff pH. next time buffer with some dolomite lime in there to keep it up a bit.


Active Member
I was reading about that dlomite lime im thinking that is an idea. There are no nutes in any of the mixes in my medium i just gave 1/4 strength big bloom and a good watering the soil seems to get dry VERY quickly i water with about 40 ml of water once somtimes twice a day. My lights are within 2 inches of seedlings. How can I test my soil ph???

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Why not just use Coco by itself? That is what I was told to do by the Hydro store. Coco drains really fast, I started off watering every other day, but it was not enough.


Well-Known Member
the increased retention of the peat is good for those that water manually and don't want to do so as often as you would in coco, or use specialized nutes as is best with coco.

Well, I don't have experience with that particular soilless mix, so I can't tell you how dry is dry enough to water again, but if your drainage is super-fats, then how much water you use really doesn't matter, as your aeration will be fairly consistent.

Not sure why you're using bloom ferts on seedlings, but it's better than nothing. See if they perk up.

Either take a sample of moist medium and put a tad of water in there to make a kind of mud and pH test that, or collect water that runs off when you water and check that.


Active Member
a few seedlings were showing signs of a nitrogen deffenciency so i added 1/4 strength nutes watered 50 ml each tested run off waterright around 6.0 and it seems like some seedlings are having a hard time straightening up they are stilll facing down towards the soil


Active Member
To test the soil, you need a soil ph tester. You can pick one up from home depot for $15 or less. Its easy to use, just stick in soil and wait 30 seconds. Peace of cake. Do that, and let us know what it says. Did we go over drainage at all already? Make sure that your pot or cup or whatever your using has proper drainage holes too.