Ocean Forest VS. Happy Frog soil comparison.


Well-Known Member
I planted a seed in happy frog. No germination just popped it in. Germinated about 5 days later. Plant grew fine Now about 20 days with no nutrients. The only problem I've had are a set of bottom leaves browned, and dried up. Otherwise things are green, lush, and healthy. Only a little slow.

I popped a second seed in a cup of Ocean Forest. I laughed when even the sprout was half the size! Then I watched in amazement as it grew at nearly twice the rate of the happy frog soil. I also noticed to deficiencies or browning of any leaves. That plant is now larger than the plant started 10 days before it. The Ocean Forest plants is now noticeably larger than my Happy Frog plant.

Im still watering with no nutes and plan on doing so for at least a full four weeks on both plants. It appears though that for a few bucks more the Ocean Forest is clearly the better soil.
hate to burst your bubble, but some seeds are stronger than others, even clones made from the same plant can have different growth rates.Not saying the soil didn't have something to do with it, but there are other factors.
I agree and both seeds were totally different strains. Both soils are quality. However the Ocean Forest seems to be giving the best results.
I agree and both seeds were totally different strains. Both soils are quality. However the Ocean Forest seems to be giving the best results.
if you could take a clone of each one and pot them at the same time in the opposite soils, That would be interesting results.
Ocean Forest is "hotter" than the Happy Frog... I start seedlings out in happy frog usually a six inch pot..Or dixie cups. then transplant into bigger with Ocean Forest.. Some seedlings may do ok starting out in OF, but the majority will be affected somehow..Too much raw elements a for brand new seedling tap root...
Happy Frog is a more smooth..mellow soil..and OF is that that punch in the face git R done shit...I guess my point is this...Just because you think It was not growing fast in the Happyfrog mix as per the OF, ...Well.. It probably is...Just below the soil...Without a good root structure,...plants will never reach their maximum ability and yields can/ will be greatly compromised...Concentrate on building a great root-base...First and foremost!...The rest will come naturally...! Forcing a plant to grow faster than the root structure is growing is never a good thing
Happy Frog is a more smooth..mellow soil..and OF is that that punch in the face git R done shit...I guess my point is this...Just because you think It was not growing fast in the Happyfrog mix as per the OF, ...Well.. It probably is...Just below the soil...Without a good root structure,...plants will never reach their maximum ability and yields can/ will be greatly compromised...Concentrate on building a great root-base...First and foremost!...The rest will come naturally...! Forcing a plant to grow faster than the root structure is growing is never a good thing
Are you implying that the 'hotter' soil will not grow as large a root mass because the plant is getting plenty of nutrients from the soil without searching them out? Don't take that wrong, it is an honest question.
No that is NOT what Im saying..lol...Meaning whatever kinda soil is used...Make sure attention is spent caring for the root system...( So many people overlook this since you cant "see" roots)...I guess what Im saying is you Must create a robust, healthy root system to get the most out of ones' plants...Regardless of soil..But yet, You CAN outgrow the root system by focusing too much on the topside...Im NOT saying FFOF wont work...just grows a little faster In the first 2 weeks than I would like..But thats me......I would rather have a 2 week old plant with 2 leaves and a hell of a root system..rather than have a foot tall plant, 20 leaves, and just a taproot... If this makes since....LoL

Are you implying that the 'hotter' soil will not grow as large a root mass because the plant is getting plenty of nutrients from the soil without searching them out? Don't take that wrong, it is an honest question.