Obama's VP


Well-Known Member
i haven't found anything i like about him yet. he is AGAINST medical marijuana. He even looks like a douchebag. I hate to say it but McCain is looking better everyday.


Well-Known Member
i heard the secret service was at his house to take him to the thing tomorrow. but did Obama say he picked Biden? did somebody say that Obama announced this? or is it still speculation?


Well-Known Member
Sen. Joe Biden

so is obama why wouldnt he be?

but he is for diverting drug offenders out of prison and against stricter laws on drug offenses.

its better than nothing

and i guess this sounds like im sticking up for him but really just playing devils advocate here i hate both mccain and oboma... and there running mates... i used to be for oboma but after looking into him more i can see hes just as flip flopping and two faced as any other democratic or republican presidential candidate

makes me wish we as a people could nominate who we want our candidates to be... we just trust our corrupt parties to pick the people we get to vote on... it dosnt make sense at all


Well-Known Member
As chairman of the International Narcotics Control Caucus, Biden wrote the laws that created the nation's "Drug Czar," who oversees and coordinates national drug control policy. In April 2003 he introduced the controversial Reducing Americans' Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act, also known as the RAVE Act. He continues to work to stop the spread of "date rape drugs" such as Rohypnol, and drugs such as Ecstasy and Ketamine. In 2004 he worked to pass a bill outlawing steroids like androstenedione, the drug used by many baseball players


New Member
I jumped for joy when I heard the news this morning. In my opinion, this lessens the chances of O'Bama being our next president.

There are two things to keep in mind before pulling that lever in the voting booth this coming November:

1. For our Jewish friends who usually vote for the Dems: During the speech O'Bama gave in Berlin, in front of 200,000 cheering Germans, he made the statement: "The individual must sacrifice for the good of society." Jewish people ... please revisit the history of your people and remember the millions of murders that took place because of that political philosophy.

2. For our Black friends: Joe Biden led the attempt at the "High-Tech lynching" of Clarence Thomas during Thomas' supreme court hearings. If you watched the hearings, you'll remember the shit-eating grin on Biden's face as Thomas completely destroyed him. Biden is nothing more than a gas-bag that has occupied his senate seat since 1972. He's a Washington insider, a power monger and a first class, egotistical, political slut.



New Member
I jumped for joy when I heard the news this morning. In my opinion, this lessens the chances of O'Bama being our next president.

There are two things to keep in mind before pulling that lever in the voting booth this coming November:

1. For our Jewish friends who usually vote for the Dems: During the speech O'Bama gave in Berlin, in front of 200,000 cheering Germans, he made the statement: "The individual must sacrifice for the good of society." Jewish people ... please revisit the history of your people and remember the millions of murders that took place because of that political philosophy.

2. For our Black friends: Joe Biden led the attempt at the "High-Tech lynching" of Clarence Thomas during Thomas' supreme court hearings. If you watched the hearings, you'll remember the shit-eating grin on Biden's face as Thomas completely destroyed him. Biden is nothing more than a gas-bag that has occupied his senate seat since 1972. He's a Washington insider, a power monger and a first class, egotistical, political slut.

The depths you'll stoop to are formidable. But no worries, Obama will win the day, Preach hate all you want, but it wont stop the Obamarama. Want to put a hundred on it big boy? I'd say a pot bet, but all you have is bunk. Give me the cash.


New Member
The depths you'll stoop to are formidable. But no worries, Obama will win the day, Preach hate all you want, but it wont stop the Obamarama. Want to put a hundred on it big boy? I'd say a pot bet, but all you have is bunk. Give me the cash.
Preach hate? Where's the hate in my post? Instead of hate, it was fact. Prove me wrong, Med.

And as far as handing you cash, if you remember, I didn't give you the quarter you pleaded for as I was leaving the shopping center last week, in spite of the pitiful "I Am Homeless" sign you were holding up ... so why would I hand over a hundred bucks to ya. :mrgreen:


PS: Go take the Political Compass Test, ya big Puss-ay.


Well-Known Member
I jumped for joy when I heard the news this morning. In my opinion, this lessens the chances of O'Bama being our next president.

Are you willing to put you money where your mouth is Vi, you see my job does drug screening and I can't recieve cookies these days.
Remember last election I was correct and you were out of touch with reality.
Let's say $100 bet? It would be an honor to take your money.


New Member
Are you willing to put you money where your mouth is Vi, you see my job does drug screening and I can't recieve cookies these days.
Remember last election I was correct and you were out of touch with reality.
Let's say $100 bet? It would be an honor to take your money.
I'll go $200....seriously. Your word is good.