Obama wins!!!!

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Well-Known Member
haha pzycho obviously you have no idea what communism is so unless you have something intelligent to say it might be wise to keep it to yourself


Well-Known Member
senate is majority democrat after today homie were doin a pretty damn good job cleaning up....the countries power is not longer in the hands of capitalistic greedy republican fucks


Well-Known Member
No. Obama will not let everyone smoke, but he isn't going to continue federal raids on patients.


Well-Known Member
obama is the shit! and any1 who says hes communist is a damn idiot who needs to go back to school and learn what the fuk the republicans did to fuk up our nation. its time to get that damn idiot you rednecks picked outa office. so say what u want about him but he is a hell of a lot smarter that any of you dumbasses who are against him. and he is going to change the whole outlook on drugs and be more tolerant to mmj and if you think otherwise you are also an idiot and need to actually know what he stands for.

and for all those obama supporters,,, FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! time for a damn democrat


Well-Known Member
he might not let everyone smoke, but i bet in any state, if you grow your own shit, and lay low, your gona have an easier time than before. if you can buy a beer making kit at your local store, why not a marijuana kit? right? my grow store sells all kinds of beer making kits, lager, ale and like 7 more, along with all the lighting you could dream of, carries fox farm everything for hydro and soil. why the hell shouldnt we be able to grow a plant thats less addictive than tabacco. cut out the middle man, lets just grow our own shit and use that as a good point. for us, like myself who would love to be able to grow for personal use with out fear of prison time. i used to be a junkie and i hate all that comes with the whole import export and availibilty of heroin and coke, not to mention meth made right in the same communities where i lived for 5 years out west. so is it that hard to think, that something might change in the marijuana realated community somehow and someway so we can no longer be in the same circle of money and people as hardcore dealers and shit from other countires. that is where ALL the money needs to go, on import seizurez. thats what i think
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