Obama To Graham and McCain: "Bring It, Beeeyatches"

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
Bronco Bama sez "They want to come after somebody, come after me".

I figure McCain has an excuse after being locked in a cracker box for 6 years, but Lindsey Graham is nothing more than a used up doosh-bag.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Lookie that! How cute. A liberal uses cracker about a truly tortured white boi. Ain't he special. Those are reparation words. Them racial slurs against whitey give blackie a dick twice as long. Awww. I just want to slobber all over that huge dickie wickie.


Well-Known Member
The GOP is asking for final nails in their coffin with this one. They keep going all in when Obama bluffs them and they keep losing chips. Fast and Furious was another example of them waging way too much political clout over a situation with way too many unknowns. If Petraeus testifies and it clears the administration, the GOP will officially be tits up.


Well-Known Member
Lookie that! How cute. A liberal uses cracker about a truly tortured white boi. Ain't he special. Those are reparation words. Them racial slurs against whitey give blackie a dick twice as long. Awww. I just want to slobber all over that huge dickie wickie.
translation: "coded racial talk is my game, choomboy. i am foaming in anger all over my fair trade, organic tofu bacon"


Well-Known Member
Lookie that! How cute. A liberal uses cracker about a truly tortured white boi. Ain't he special. Those are reparation words. Them racial slurs against whitey give blackie a dick twice as long. Awww. I just want to slobber all over that huge dickie wickie.
I thought you were vegan, but apparently you love to chow down on tube steak, and the dark meat no less.


Well-Known Member
That's fine, but you gotta stop claiming to be a vegan, and saying that every life is sacred. Think of all the unborn babies you eat every time you swallow jizz. Glad you are receiving more protein in your diet.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I make sacrifices for the ultimate cause. The more dark meat jizz I swallow, is one less potential Obama replacement.


Well-Known Member
You better start taking mexicans up the ass too then. With their rapidly growing population (catholics ya know) they will be the second minority face of the electorate. Need to keep all the brown and black seed out of women's ovaries that you can.

Really you should change your stance on abortion to be mandatory for minorities and prohibited for whites. That would save you a lot of money on all the semen over-dose induced hospital visits.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Naw, that's ok. I only got a problem with the black man. Just ask our resident FBI profiler, Bucky. I love them hispanics. Even said I want to move to Costa Rica. George Prescott Bush 2016!

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Naw, that's ok. I only got a problem with the black man. Just ask our resident FBI profiler, Bucky. I love them hispanics. Even said I want to move to Costa Rica. George Prescott Bush 2016!
Move to Belize, you'd fit right in with John McAfee.


Well-Known Member
The GOP is asking for final nails in their coffin with this one. They keep going all in when Obama bluffs them and they keep losing chips. Fast and Furious was another example of them waging way too much political clout over a situation with way too many unknowns. If Petraeus testifies and it clears the administration, the GOP will officially be tits up.
If the GOP kept going 'all in' when Obama was bluffing, Obama would fold to the bet, and the GOP would win...but, I know what you're trying to say.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
If the GOP kept going 'all in' when Obama was bluffing, Obama would fold to the bet, and the GOP would win...but, I know what you're trying to say.bongsmilie
Yeah, maybe bluffing isn't the word I should have picked, but he goads them into playing into his hand, like the recent, "If you have a problem with Rice, you have a problem with me". Now McCain is playing right into Obama's hand while Obama can maintain that he has been willing to cooperate with congress all along. He is simply baiting the GOP into squandering even more of their ever waning political clout.


Well-Known Member
That's fine, but you gotta stop claiming to be a vegan, and saying that every life is sacred. Think of all the unborn babies you eat every time you swallow jizz. Glad you are receiving more protein in your diet.
Toetoe, I make sacrifices for the ultimate cause. The more dark meat jizz I swallow, is one less potential Obama replacement.
It's a little concerning that the one thing about Obama that you want to prevent most, is his race holding office again. You'd swallow gallons of black jizz to prevent another part-black President, is pretty much what you just said. Not gonna lie, that sounds pretty racist. Up to now, I've chalked up UB's jabs about you being racist as a bit of a stretch to get a rise out of you. This one definitely has some racist overtones though.