*Obama insults israeli's! its an Arab paradise

Big P

Well-Known Member
"been oppressed all my life, now im livin in an Arab paradise":mrgreen:

Thanks Barry!! ya trust me its not fun to be on the shit end of the american stick:bigjoint: now you know how we feel;-)

everyone in the Arab world understands this message. hes basicly telling nettingyahoo to eat a dick

June 9, 2009 7:34 PM
Some Israelis Insulted By Obama Picture

Posted by Howard Arenstein | 483

(White House Photo/Pete Sousa)​

Israeli TV newscasters Tuesday night interpreted a photo taken Monday in the Oval Office of President Obama talking on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as an "insult" to Israel.

They saw the incident as somewhat akin to an incident last year, when the Iraqi reporter threw a shoe at President Bush in Baghdad.

It is considered an insult in the Arab world to show the sole of your shoe to someone. It is not a Jewish custom necessarily, but Israel feels enough a part of the Middle East after 60 years to be insulted too.

Was there a subliminal message intended from the White House to Netanyahu in Jerusalem, who is publicly resisting attempts by Mr. Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to force Israel to stop any kind of settlement activity in occupied territories once and forever?

Whether or not it is true, it shows the mood in Israel. They feel cornered. The reactions out of Israel reflect that feeling.

Netanyahu is making a speech Sunday, in part as a response to Mr. Obama's address to the Arab world last week in Cairo.

Israel's Channel One TV reported that Netanyahu was told Tuesday by an "American official" in Jerusalem that, "We are going to change the world. Please, don't interfere." The report said Netanyahu's aides interpreted this as a "threat."

Netanyahu met with George Mitchell today for four hours in Jerusalem. The State Department announced this afternoon that Mitchell will be stopping in Beirut and Damascus when he finishes his visits to Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

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We are not worried how your petty country continuosly cries for more attention, over and over you whine to us. Yes you were wronged years ago. But to be so pathetic to complain of insult from a pic of a usurper president. He's more your president then ours. He still is hiding his actual birth certificate. And I will defect on him faster then you cry for our help. Wake up Israel. He's insulting the world. Either walk the talk or shut up and build a defense. Posted by PatriotsUnite at 5:29 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink

The insult because of the sole situation is absurd since israelis have never consider themselves into the arab culture.
Obama let the press take a photo with his soles and shoes on the desk!!!!
It is insulting me! as an american!
I don't want to see my president doing bad manners on the paper, tv for the entire new generation to watch it!
Brother, you need to learn some matters! Posted by factsearcher at 5:23 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink

One hundred years ago there was no Palestine. There was a Province of the Turkish Empire called Syria. This Province has been divided and re-divided several times. The first time it was divided, the French and the British took control from the Turks. The French sector became Lebanon and modern Syria. The British sector became Jordan and Palestine. The most rabidly pro-Muslim leaders of that era still thought of Palestine as a southern territory of Syria (they were allies of the Nazis during WW2). Palestine was divided between Jordan, Egypt and Israel. The West Bank has only been independent of Jordan since the Jordanians lost a war to the Israelis in the 1960s and Jordan renounced any claim to it in the 1970s. Same deal with the Egyptians losing a war to Israel and Gaza becoming Israel's problem afterwards.

These are failed states, military buffer-zones. No one cared about them one way or the other until it was a politically-useful way to attack Israel, and waste time on CBSNEWS. Posted by YrSoWrong at 5:16 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink

I doubt Obama was trying to insult anyone. He's just naturally arrogant. The worst part is that the man is completely green when it comes to foreign policy. I strongly suspect that he'll pay a price for this milk toast diplomacy. Every dictator on the planet knows that this man will never do anything more than wag that finger of his at them like some kind of librarian. Posted by jchenn at 5:12 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink

Honestly, what does anyone think of the guy that puts his feet up on the desk when he is on the phone? How about the boss that puts his feet up on the desk? How about a president? What if it had been Bush with his cowboy boots up on the desk? C'mon Obama supporters, be honest with yourselves. How does this picture make you feel about this guy? Don't tell anyone your answer, just live with it yourself. Posted by muh-oon at 5:09 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink

The Oval office is not where Clinton and Lewinsky did the BJ. But keep making stuff up; it helps inflate your phony outrage.
Since Netenyahu is on the phone and not sitting in front of Obama, where's the insult besides in your imagination? Posted by mauibucky at 5:02 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink

Brasia, Actually the Oval Office is not hwere Clinton had his dick sucked. But keep making up ****, it helps inflate your phony outrage. Posted by mauibucky at 4:58 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink

I guarantee Obama wouldn't have been caught getting his pic taken if it would have been one of his Islamic brothers... Posted by GoldStarDad at 4:57 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink

It seems the further into this administration we get, the more anti Semitic this country becomes, (mainly from the left). All people in this country that follows politics know it is one of the worst gestures a person can do is to show the soles of their shoes. Yes it was in the Oval Office, but it was to the Israeli leader, & Obama knew the call would be well documented &photographed. Once again another slap jn the face of one of our closest allies.
Maybe Netanyahu will forget it if Obama gives him one of them cool Ipod's like he gave Queen Elizabeth... Posted by GoldStarDad at 4:53 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink
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Is it possible that he did not have his feet on the desk and that photoshop might be involved?

-Didn't see it mentioned there.

lol i like the last guy. says "all i gotta say is i want pussy"

too bad everyone cant just share equally between both sides, would of had have a great time chillin togther.

thats how it used to be before the United nations, britin and the united states divided the country.

my grandfather told me before they split the country that he had a great deal of israeli friends, Israeli and arab were nieghbors and would play side by side with mutual respect & love of one another.

then the UN stepped in and destroyed the country, my grandparents where evicted at gunpoint by the new isrealis from thier beautiful estate where they had thier own orchards and beautiful property.

they fled to Joran with only the skin on thier backs and lived in a cramped apartment for the rest of their lives after everything was taken from them.

thats where my mom was born, she lived in that same shitty apartment with them. and then i was born, and I lived in that same apartment too as a child.

then my dad brought us here to america, the land of the free.

one guy on that video said his grandmother was in auschwitz, im not sure what that has to do with Arabs?

maybe they should have turned Germany into isreal,

but hey they decided to shit on the arabs, how long will you let yourself get shitted on until you start pissing back?

Obama knows these truths are self evident, the us media keeps it a secret from you. thats why this story only apears on the internet and has not been reported the the US telivision media.

Palistinian terrorists although I dont agree with violence as a tactic. those palistians are fighting for thier freedom, just like the Minet men in the united states during the revolution that we revear so much


its like somone breaking into your house and taking it over and then complaining the you are attcking them from the woods at night!

and everyone buys it hook line and sinker. and its sickening.

dont tread on me and you wont have any problems kinda thing
I know if anything pops off, I know I'm gonna stand next to the Hebrews to fight off the evil in this world.

What does the british have to do with israel?

I seriously doubt its a paradise now in 2009. Ha, I look around and I see in almost a decade what has been done to the world because of bullshit.

I hope thier own people will help heal the pallies, but, I think they are trying to drain every last bit out of the hebrews they can. I think they are running out of tactics, and they are seriously trying to make the bomb. Syria, lebanon, palestine, israel is surrounded, and Israel kicked ass.

Amidanijad or whatever his name is loses out, and they elect a great person and leader who will bring good things to that nation of people.

I believe, as I understand that these people, are trying to push Israel into the sea. Not live together, after all, it was a war of Independence.

Palestine has been offered statehood TWICE and turned it down. That is not the true objective..... The Palestinians are the sacrificial lambs set up by their own Arab culture, and that's a shame.
Palestine has been offered statehood TWICE and turned it down. That is not the true objective..... The Palestinians are the sacrificial lambs set up by their own Arab culture, and that's a shame.

lets not be coy

what they were offered was turds and bicuits, they said they would give them little peices of land here and there but they were all divided with isreali land inbetween

thanks but no thanks.
I know if anything pops off, I know I'm gonna stand next to the Hebrews to fight off the evil in this world.

What does the british have to do with israel?

I seriously doubt its a paradise now in 2009. Ha, I look around and I see in almost a decade what has been done to the world because of bullshit.

I hope thier own people will help heal the pallies, but, I think they are trying to drain every last bit out of the hebrews they can. I think they are running out of tactics, and they are seriously trying to make the bomb. Syria, lebanon, palestine, israel is surrounded, and Israel kicked ass.

Amidanijad or whatever his name is loses out, and they elect a great person and leader who will bring good things to that nation of people.

I believe, as I understand that these people, are trying to push Israel into the sea. Not live together, after all, it was a war of Independence.


Atleast admit your a thief

I admit im living on land stolen by the America settlers.

so in essence im just like you, and maybe a hypocrate on top of that. difference is im not personally shitting on the american indians.

this is what you guys stole from us


cant blame us for not being happy about it can you?

how can you complain that you are surrounded by enemies when you are the ones who came into this land that was not yours, took it and thereby created the enemy that surround you today whom you complain about like its no fault of your own?

dont steal and you wont have problems. my grand fathers land is now my rightful property as he is dead now. you guys stole it from my family.

sorry I cant simpathize much

i have personally moved on, but there are alot of people who cannot and refuse to forget.

I wish both sides could have shared better, even thought the Palistinians were in the right and have no more obligation to share thier nation than any other people.

true justice would have been to put isreal in germany, but that really doesnt sound fair either

I guess if the UN decided that all the american indians could come back and claim thier land in the united states you guys could understand.

but the only differnec in that is that americans stole the indians land 300 years ago,

you guys took our shit around 60 years ago so ya, its still a mother fucker for us,
If it wasn't for the diaspora, the Jews would not have been forced out of THEIR homeland to begin with. Historically, it is THEIR land. So you need to change your argument, since running out your logic places the jews right where they are today....

It is the surrounding Arab nations with the exception of Egypt which perpetuates the refugee camps, not the Israelis. reality check....
If it wasn't for the diaspora, the Jews would not have been forced out of THEIR homeland to begin with. Historically, it is THEIR land. So you need to change your argument, since running out your logic places the jews right where they are today....

It is the surrounding Arab nations with the exception of Egypt which perpetuates the refugee camps, not the Israelis. reality check....

I don't know, I'd say that after 2,000 years it's kind of hard to claim ownership. Back then there weren't exactly land deeds, and most modern civilizations do have abandonment laws. I am sure that after 1,800 years of abandonment the land was fair game for any one that would put it to productive use. That is not to say that I don't support the U.S's continued support of Israel, who has shown that they are a loyal ally, and a convenient lightning rod for a lot of the hatred of Muslims.

Though one would wonder, if it wasn't for the fact that the British decided to establish Israel as a nation what would the world be like now. Would the Middle East be controlled by moderate Arabians instead of extremist Muslims?

Would Iran and Iraq be economic powerhouses developing a successful market economy under the guidance of the west?

Frankly, the entire debate is irrelevant. The United States should not be interfering in the politics of the rest of the world on a unilateral basis, or with just U.N. support. Unless we are invited in by the controlling government of the nation we are in we should just butt out.

It's none of our business, the only thing that is our business is extending a hand of friendship to all through trade, technology and advice. Being a neo-coloniastic empire with troops in 180+ countries is not in the interests of our nation, as can be witnessed by the massive amounts of hatred we have fostered in the Middle East and South America, and the irrational jealousy that we have become subject to from Europe.

Isolationism is the only method of a just and virtuous people. It is not for us to decide which tribe or nation is in the right, and which tribe or nation is in the wrong. We are not God, the Creator, or any other kind of supernatural power. That, and we need to clean our own house up first, the hundreds of billions that we send overseas does us no good as it does not benefit our economy, because it does not circulate in our communities.
And of course one of the real issues which causes the strife is pure jealousy. What Israel has done to that land in 50 years is nothing short of amazing! Also, any democracy in the Middle east becomes a target to those govt's which do not wish for their citizens to follow suit. Israel must be demonized lest the Kingdoms collapse. Israel's democracy has left them in the dust, literally, and without the benefit of oil. Heck, If Israel controlled any of its neighbors, their wealth and standard of living would fly through the roof. This is what the Arabs fear most.
And of course one of the real issues which causes the strife is pure jealousy. What Israel has done to that land in 50 years is nothing short of amazing! Also, any democracy in the Middle east becomes a target to those govt's which do not wish for their citizens to follow suit. Israel must be demonized lest the Kingdoms collapse. Israel's democracy has left them in the dust, literally, and without the benefit of oil. Heck, If Israel controlled any of its neighbors, their wealth and standard of living would fly through the roof. This is what the Arabs fear most.

Actually, I'm more tempted to say that if the entire region wasn't a theocracy dominated by the most insane it'd be an all right place to live. Though I can not fault Iran for wanting nuclear power. Yes, it has a lot of oil, but it will eventually run out, to prevent it from trying to move beyond a Hydrocarbon-based economy to an economy based on Nuclear energy is a monstrous injustice.

Of course, unless the government is going to actually perfect a BMD then the risk that Iran might use nukes on Israel is very large. Perhaps the Israelis could perfect their own BMD, they are a technologically sophisticated people...

Who knows, perhaps they would actually accomplish what the United States failed to do due to the continual changes in the governance of our nation making us seem like wishy-washy imbeciles incapable of maintaining a consistent vision of what we want.