Big P
Well-Known Member
"been oppressed all my life, now im livin in an Arab paradise"
Thanks Barry!! ya trust me its not fun to be on the shit end of the american stick
now you know how we feel
everyone in the Arab world understands this message. hes basicly telling nettingyahoo to eat a dick
June 9, 2009 7:34 PM
Some Israelis Insulted By Obama Picture
Posted by Howard Arenstein |
Israeli TV newscasters Tuesday night interpreted a photo taken Monday in the Oval Office of President Obama talking on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as an "insult" to Israel.
They saw the incident as somewhat akin to an incident last year, when the Iraqi reporter threw a shoe at President Bush in Baghdad.
It is considered an insult in the Arab world to show the sole of your shoe to someone. It is not a Jewish custom necessarily, but Israel feels enough a part of the Middle East after 60 years to be insulted too.
Was there a subliminal message intended from the White House to Netanyahu in Jerusalem, who is publicly resisting attempts by Mr. Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to force Israel to stop any kind of settlement activity in occupied territories once and forever?
Whether or not it is true, it shows the mood in Israel. They feel cornered. The reactions out of Israel reflect that feeling.
Netanyahu is making a speech Sunday, in part as a response to Mr. Obama's address to the Arab world last week in Cairo.
Israel's Channel One TV reported that Netanyahu was told Tuesday by an "American official" in Jerusalem that, "We are going to change the world. Please, don't interfere." The report said Netanyahu's aides interpreted this as a "threat."
Netanyahu met with George Mitchell today for four hours in Jerusalem. The State Department announced this afternoon that Mitchell will be stopping in Beirut and Damascus when he finishes his visits to Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
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We are not worried how your petty country continuosly cries for more attention, over and over you whine to us. Yes you were wronged years ago. But to be so pathetic to complain of insult from a pic of a usurper president. He's more your president then ours. He still is hiding his actual birth certificate. And I will defect on him faster then you cry for our help. Wake up Israel. He's insulting the world. Either walk the talk or shut up and build a defense. Posted by PatriotsUnite at 5:29 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink
The insult because of the sole situation is absurd since israelis have never consider themselves into the arab culture.
Obama let the press take a photo with his soles and shoes on the desk!!!!
It is insulting me! as an american!
I don't want to see my president doing bad manners on the paper, tv for the entire new generation to watch it!
Brother, you need to learn some matters! Posted by factsearcher at 5:23 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink
One hundred years ago there was no Palestine. There was a Province of the Turkish Empire called Syria. This Province has been divided and re-divided several times. The first time it was divided, the French and the British took control from the Turks. The French sector became Lebanon and modern Syria. The British sector became Jordan and Palestine. The most rabidly pro-Muslim leaders of that era still thought of Palestine as a southern territory of Syria (they were allies of the Nazis during WW2). Palestine was divided between Jordan, Egypt and Israel. The West Bank has only been independent of Jordan since the Jordanians lost a war to the Israelis in the 1960s and Jordan renounced any claim to it in the 1970s. Same deal with the Egyptians losing a war to Israel and Gaza becoming Israel's problem afterwards.
These are failed states, military buffer-zones. No one cared about them one way or the other until it was a politically-useful way to attack Israel, and waste time on CBSNEWS. Posted by YrSoWrong at 5:16 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink
I doubt Obama was trying to insult anyone. He's just naturally arrogant. The worst part is that the man is completely green when it comes to foreign policy. I strongly suspect that he'll pay a price for this milk toast diplomacy. Every dictator on the planet knows that this man will never do anything more than wag that finger of his at them like some kind of librarian. Posted by jchenn at 5:12 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink
Honestly, what does anyone think of the guy that puts his feet up on the desk when he is on the phone? How about the boss that puts his feet up on the desk? How about a president? What if it had been Bush with his cowboy boots up on the desk? C'mon Obama supporters, be honest with yourselves. How does this picture make you feel about this guy? Don't tell anyone your answer, just live with it yourself. Posted by muh-oon at 5:09 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink
The Oval office is not where Clinton and Lewinsky did the BJ. But keep making stuff up; it helps inflate your phony outrage.
Since Netenyahu is on the phone and not sitting in front of Obama, where's the insult besides in your imagination? Posted by mauibucky at 5:02 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink
Brasia, Actually the Oval Office is not hwere Clinton had his dick sucked. But keep making up ****, it helps inflate your phony outrage. Posted by mauibucky at 4:58 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink
I guarantee Obama wouldn't have been caught getting his pic taken if it would have been one of his Islamic brothers... Posted by GoldStarDad at 4:57 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink
It seems the further into this administration we get, the more anti Semitic this country becomes, (mainly from the left). All people in this country that follows politics know it is one of the worst gestures a person can do is to show the soles of their shoes. Yes it was in the Oval Office, but it was to the Israeli leader, & Obama knew the call would be well documented &photographed. Once again another slap jn the face of one of our closest allies.
Maybe Netanyahu will forget it if Obama gives him one of them cool Ipod's like he gave Queen Elizabeth... Posted by GoldStarDad at 4:53 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink
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Thanks Barry!! ya trust me its not fun to be on the shit end of the american stick

everyone in the Arab world understands this message. hes basicly telling nettingyahoo to eat a dick

June 9, 2009 7:34 PM
Some Israelis Insulted By Obama Picture
Posted by Howard Arenstein |

(White House Photo/Pete Sousa)
Israeli TV newscasters Tuesday night interpreted a photo taken Monday in the Oval Office of President Obama talking on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as an "insult" to Israel.
They saw the incident as somewhat akin to an incident last year, when the Iraqi reporter threw a shoe at President Bush in Baghdad.
It is considered an insult in the Arab world to show the sole of your shoe to someone. It is not a Jewish custom necessarily, but Israel feels enough a part of the Middle East after 60 years to be insulted too.
Was there a subliminal message intended from the White House to Netanyahu in Jerusalem, who is publicly resisting attempts by Mr. Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to force Israel to stop any kind of settlement activity in occupied territories once and forever?
Whether or not it is true, it shows the mood in Israel. They feel cornered. The reactions out of Israel reflect that feeling.
Netanyahu is making a speech Sunday, in part as a response to Mr. Obama's address to the Arab world last week in Cairo.
Israel's Channel One TV reported that Netanyahu was told Tuesday by an "American official" in Jerusalem that, "We are going to change the world. Please, don't interfere." The report said Netanyahu's aides interpreted this as a "threat."
Netanyahu met with George Mitchell today for four hours in Jerusalem. The State Department announced this afternoon that Mitchell will be stopping in Beirut and Damascus when he finishes his visits to Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
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Now you're in the public comment zone. What follows is not CBS News stuff; it comes from other people and we don't vouch for it. A reminder: By using this Web site you agree to accept our Terms of Service. Click here to read the Rules of Engagement.

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We are not worried how your petty country continuosly cries for more attention, over and over you whine to us. Yes you were wronged years ago. But to be so pathetic to complain of insult from a pic of a usurper president. He's more your president then ours. He still is hiding his actual birth certificate. And I will defect on him faster then you cry for our help. Wake up Israel. He's insulting the world. Either walk the talk or shut up and build a defense. Posted by PatriotsUnite at 5:29 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink
The insult because of the sole situation is absurd since israelis have never consider themselves into the arab culture.
Obama let the press take a photo with his soles and shoes on the desk!!!!
It is insulting me! as an american!
I don't want to see my president doing bad manners on the paper, tv for the entire new generation to watch it!
Brother, you need to learn some matters! Posted by factsearcher at 5:23 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink
One hundred years ago there was no Palestine. There was a Province of the Turkish Empire called Syria. This Province has been divided and re-divided several times. The first time it was divided, the French and the British took control from the Turks. The French sector became Lebanon and modern Syria. The British sector became Jordan and Palestine. The most rabidly pro-Muslim leaders of that era still thought of Palestine as a southern territory of Syria (they were allies of the Nazis during WW2). Palestine was divided between Jordan, Egypt and Israel. The West Bank has only been independent of Jordan since the Jordanians lost a war to the Israelis in the 1960s and Jordan renounced any claim to it in the 1970s. Same deal with the Egyptians losing a war to Israel and Gaza becoming Israel's problem afterwards.
These are failed states, military buffer-zones. No one cared about them one way or the other until it was a politically-useful way to attack Israel, and waste time on CBSNEWS. Posted by YrSoWrong at 5:16 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink
I doubt Obama was trying to insult anyone. He's just naturally arrogant. The worst part is that the man is completely green when it comes to foreign policy. I strongly suspect that he'll pay a price for this milk toast diplomacy. Every dictator on the planet knows that this man will never do anything more than wag that finger of his at them like some kind of librarian. Posted by jchenn at 5:12 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink
Honestly, what does anyone think of the guy that puts his feet up on the desk when he is on the phone? How about the boss that puts his feet up on the desk? How about a president? What if it had been Bush with his cowboy boots up on the desk? C'mon Obama supporters, be honest with yourselves. How does this picture make you feel about this guy? Don't tell anyone your answer, just live with it yourself. Posted by muh-oon at 5:09 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink
The Oval office is not where Clinton and Lewinsky did the BJ. But keep making stuff up; it helps inflate your phony outrage.
Since Netenyahu is on the phone and not sitting in front of Obama, where's the insult besides in your imagination? Posted by mauibucky at 5:02 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink
Brasia, Actually the Oval Office is not hwere Clinton had his dick sucked. But keep making up ****, it helps inflate your phony outrage. Posted by mauibucky at 4:58 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink
I guarantee Obama wouldn't have been caught getting his pic taken if it would have been one of his Islamic brothers... Posted by GoldStarDad at 4:57 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink
It seems the further into this administration we get, the more anti Semitic this country becomes, (mainly from the left). All people in this country that follows politics know it is one of the worst gestures a person can do is to show the soles of their shoes. Yes it was in the Oval Office, but it was to the Israeli leader, & Obama knew the call would be well documented &photographed. Once again another slap jn the face of one of our closest allies.
Maybe Netanyahu will forget it if Obama gives him one of them cool Ipod's like he gave Queen Elizabeth... Posted by GoldStarDad at 4:53 PM : Jun 10, 2009 + report abuse + permalink

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