Obama Grows Government at Record-Shattering Pace

Brick Top

New Member
October 21, 2011 12:00 A.M.
Obama Grows Government at Record-Shattering Pace

Deroy Murdock


Obama Grows Government at Record-Shattering Pace
And has nothing to show for it.

Palo Alto — Barack Obama is the Barry Bonds of Big Government. He offers America liberalism on steroids. While he earns grand slams for spending and debt, his pitiful results constitute strikeouts.
In an address to the Hoover Institution here last Monday, Stanford University economics professor Michael Boskin detailed President Obama’s truly historic profligacy.
Under Obama, federal spending has risen from 20.7 percent of gross domestic product to 25.3 percent, Washington’s largest slice of apple pie since 1945. In fiscal year 2011, which ended September 30, Uncle Sam spent a record $3.6 trillion, up an inexcusable 4 percent since FY 2010. So much for Obama’s demands for “shared sacrifice.” Obama’s spend-o-rama includes federally funded green jobs that Boskin dismisses as “the leprechaun economy.” The apotheosis of this blarney was last month’s $1.2 billion Energy Department loan guarantee to SunPower Corporation of Richmond, California. Its solar-equipment project promises 15 permanent positions. Cost per job-created: a staggering $80 million.
Even worse, if possible, the Fox Business Network’s Gerri Willis reports that SunPower received this federal largesse even though its share price has plummeted 93.5 percent — from $133.61 (its Dec. 7, 2007, peak) to $8.09 on September 30, when it won Energy’s loan guarantee. SunPower’s market capitalization stood at some $800 million, just below its $820 million debt. SunPower released an earnings warning after scoring this federal subsidy. The company also faces a class-action lawsuit in which investors claim that it has made false public statements.

Would you invest in SunPower? You already did!
You can’t make up this stuff !
This kind of fiscal recklessness helped swell FY 2011’s federal deficit to a record $1.298 trillion, just ahead of FY 2010’s $1.294 trillion in red ink and, though behind FY 2009’s record $1.416 trillion. Obama has authorized three consecutive trillion-dollar deficits. Now he demands another $447 billion for Stimulus, Jr.
All of this, Boskin observes, has pushed the federal debt to 67 percent of gross domestic product, the highest since the aftermath of World War II. No wonder Standard & Poor’s downgraded America’s sovereign debt last August 5 — another first.
Obama’s milestone-setting expenditures would be bad enough if they were the spectacularly high price for restoring prosperity. Instead, Obama has impoverished the Republic for nothing.
Only 58.1 percent of the population is working, the lowest level since 1983, notes Boskin, chairman of Pres. George H. W. Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers and a Hoover senior fellow. Among America’s 14 million unemployed citizens, a record 45.9 percent have been jobless for more than 27 weeks.
Boskin compared snapshots of Obama’s and Pres. Ronald Reagan’s post-recession recoveries, 27 months after each downturn hit bottom. In September 2011, on Obama’s watch, non-farm payrolls had grown 0.6 percent, yielding 841,000 jobs since June 2009. Under the tax-cutting, business-boosting Reagan, non-agricultural employment swelled 8.7 percent, generating 7.7 million new jobs.
In January 2009, economists Jared Bernstein and Christina Romer (Boskin’s Obama administration counterpart) predicted that if Obama’s stimulus passed, “the unemployment rate in 2010Q4 is predicted to be approximately 7.0%, which is well below the approximately 8.8% that would result in the absence of a plan.”
In fact, Obama signed his $840 billion stimulus . . . and unemployment rocketed upward anyway. It peaked at 10.1 percent and now seems stuck at 9.1 percent. Boskin calculates that this 2.1 percent gap between Team Obama’s 7 percent fantasy and the cruel 9.1 percent reality that they perpetrated equals 16 billion foregone work hours. Even if one accepts the White House’s argument that the stimulus somehow “created or saved” 3 million jobs, that equals $280,000 per position — nearly quintuple the $58,510 that an average private-sector employer spends to hire a new employee.
This stagnation now finds 51 percent of Americans too poor to pay federal income tax (a modern record) while 47 percent of Americans receive at least one form of federal transfer payment (an historical high), as dependency on the ever-expanding state expands. Obama’s stack of bills, Boskin predicts, means higher taxes — and soon. To underwrite Obama’s deficits, top California earners, for instance, could see combined federal and state income and payroll taxes total 70.8 percent of income by 2016. Those earning just $60,000 could pay 52.4 percent to Washington and Sacramento. Non-Californians also should anticipate higher taxes.
“A CEO who got it wrong this many times would be gone by now,” Michael Boskin concluded. Instead, Obama barnstorms campaign events, barks at the rich, and bellows for further federal outlays.
While Americans are stuck in the employment minor leagues, Barack Obama is bound for the Unlimited-Government Hall of Fame.
— New York commentator Deroy Murdock is a nationally syndicated columnist with the Scripps Howard News Service and a media fellow with the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace at Stanford University.
copy, paste, copy, paste, copy, paste, copy, paste, ...

Your blather, blather, blather .. mindless yammer..... blather, blather, blather comment on the article was yet another of your well thought out incredibly succinct topical responses. BRAVO fds or ftd or whatever.
Sometimes he doesn't even credit the person who wrote it and tries to take the story as if he wrote it. It cracks me up. He copy and pasted the one about Narcissism and I laughed the whole time b/c he is the biggest Narcissist of all time.
Your blather, blather, blather .. mindless yammer..... blather, blather, blather comment on the article was yet another of your well thought out incredibly succinct topical responses. BRAVO fds or ftd or whatever.

your insight into the 7 articles you just copied and pasted is lacking. mock me all you want, you posted them.
Sometimes he doesn't even credit the person who wrote it and tries to take the story as if he wrote it. It cracks me up. He copy and pasted the one about Narcissism and I laughed the whole time b/c he is the biggest Narcissist of all time.

the part that worries me is that he can't openly admit to any of it.
your insight into the 7 articles you just copied and pasted is lacking. mock me all you want, you posted them.

I wanted to see what other members topical reactions would be to the articles, not express my own views. By now you should know that if I want to say something, I will say it, and I will not mince words when I do so. If I don't say something, then there is a valid reason for it.

Pardon me for not doing something the very same way you would do it.

But now that I think about it I have yet to see anything that you have done that I would ever desire to replicate.
Hes got alot of homies.
I hook my homies up with a job, wouldn't you?

They can just make another BS Advisor role. Like internal home security blah blah. By the time everyone figures out its bullshit. It will be big and impossible to get rid of like normal.
Sometimes he doesn't even credit the person who wrote it and tries to take the story as if he wrote it.

The reason I did not include a link on that article is it was one I sent to a friend in an email recently and I did not include the link in the email, and rather than search for the article again I just copied it from my sent email. I believe the rest of the articles I posted had links.
The reason I did not include a link on that article is it was one I sent to a friend in an email recently and I did not include the link in the email, and rather than search for the article again I just copied it from my sent email. I believe the rest of the articles I posted had links.

moron, ... http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Obama+Grows+Government+at+Record-Shattering+Pace+ Deroy+Murdock

^ Code for "fdd2blk doesn't like what the OP posted"

Neither do massah or T Ray.

Actually I don't care what Brick posted. This is more on the premise of him being a know-it-all POS that is so arrogant that he copy and paste articles and only chooses to source some of them. Which someone of what he thinks his intellectual capabilities are should know better. He picks apart and criticizes what everyone has to say and I am just sick of his know-it-all/I'm better than you attitude.

He copies things verbatim and doesn't source as if he wrote things and people think he is brilliant when all he really is a search engine whore. This has nothing to do with what he copy and pasted. It has to do with his negativity on these forums and how he parades around the site like he is some Messiah/Savior.
The reason I did not include a link on that article is it was one I sent to a friend in an email recently and I did not include the link in the email, and rather than search for the article again I just copied it from my sent email. I believe the rest of the articles I posted had links.

That's a convenient story. You don't cease to amaze me.

I have noticed since I called him out for his non-sourcing a few weeks ago that he has been using his references. Good job Brick I knew you could do it.
Actually I don't care what Brick posted. This is more on the premise of him being a know-it-all POS that is so arrogant that he copy and paste articles and only chooses to source some of them. Which someone of what he thinks his intellectual capabilities are should know better. He picks apart and criticizes what everyone has to say and I am just sick of his know-it-all/I'm better than you attitude.

He copies things verbatim and doesn't source as if he wrote things and people think he is brilliant when all he really is a search engine whore. This has nothing to do with what he copy and pasted. It has to do with his negativity on these forums and how he parades around the site like he is some Messiah/Savior.

my thoughts exactly, but i'm just a douche bag. :)
Okay, it's official. Brick Top you can't possibly know anything about economics or our fiscal situation if the best you can do is post another grossly misleading article...

First, they're measuring in GDP - which is fine - but they're blaming an "expansion of government" on Obama when in reality about HALF of the "increased size of government" as measured in GDP is a direct result of contraction in the private sector - not an expansion of government - that's responsible for government spending as GDP to rise. Second, social safety net spending is up... That means unemployment insurance and welfare programs.... So what does that mean? Nearly the entire "expansion of government" under Obama has nothing to do with Obama's policies, but is almost entirely attributable to the RECESSSION. Remember, at the start of the 08 financial crisis our economy was suffering from a $2 TRILLION dollar output gap; That is a very significant contraction of the private sector, meanwhile permanent government spending (so outside the increased spending due to social safety nets kicking it) has risen very little, and most of that is driven by rising costs in medicare/medicaid - which again, is not Obama's fault.

These are all facts you'd know if you did the research yourself and considered all of the facts, but you can go ahead and believe whatever your copy/paste article wants you to believe.