Obama caught in lie-deportation numbers lowest since Nixon


New Member
Last Tuesday DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson admitted that the Obama Administration has been artificially inflating deportation numbers.

In its first four years, the Obama administration deported 3.2 million aliens, averaging just about 800,000 per year. It is on the Homeland security Website in an annual publication that is routinely consulted by everyone who covers the issue except, apparently, to verify advocates’ claims on deportations.

This is the lowest number since Nixon even Carter deported more. They are infact down
by around 50%.

How does it feel to be lied to, and deceived by president Obama?


http://cis.org/OpedsandArticles/Obama-Record-Deportations -*source used in past by Justice Kennedy, and Congress
Last Tuesday DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson admitted that the Obama Administration has been artificially inflating deportation numbers.

In its first four years, the Obama administration deported 3.2 million aliens, averaging just about 800,000 per year. It is on the Homeland security Website in an annual publication that is routinely consulted by everyone who covers the issue except, apparently, to verify advocates’ claims on deportations.

This is the lowest number since Nixon even Carter deported more. They are infact down
by around 50%.

How does it feel to be lied to, and deceived by president Obama?


http://cis.org/OpedsandArticles/Obama-Record-Deportations -*source used in past by Justice Kennedy, and Congress

What are your thoughts on the the Center for Immigration Studies ties to John Tanton?

[h=3]Responses to criticisms[/h] Behavioral geneticist David T. Lykken has defended his acceptance of money from the fund, writing "If you can find me some rich villains that want to contribute to my research—Qaddafi, the Mafia, whoever—the worse they are, the better I'll like it. I'm doing a social good by taking their money... Any money of theirs that I spend in a legitimate and honorable way, they can't spend in a dishonorable way".[SUP][36][/SUP]

Science writer Morton Hunt received Pioneer funding for his book and wrote: "One could spend hundreds of pages on the pros and cons of the case of the Pioneer Fund, but what matters to me—and should matter to my readers—is that I have been totally free to research and write as I chose. I alerted Pioneer to my political views when making the grant proposal for this book but its directors never blinked."[SUP][37][/SUP]

In a review of Richard Lynn's book on the Pioneer Fund, psychologist Ulrich Neisser, a prominent critic of race-based research, writes: "All things considered, I doubt that the Pioneer Fund's political activities have made much difference one way or the other. The world would have been much the same without them. On the other hand, Lynn reminds us that Pioneer has sometimes sponsored useful research – research that otherwise might not have been done at all. By that reckoning, I would give it a weak plus."[SUP][38][/SUP]

Charles Murray
defended the use of studies supported by the fund in his book The Bell Curve by saying: "Never mind that the relationship between the founder of the Pioneer Fund and today's Pioneer Fund is roughly analogous to the relationship between Henry Ford's antisemitism and today's Ford Foundation. The charges have been made, they have wide currency, and some people will always believe that The Bell Curve rests on data concocted by neo-Nazi eugenicists."[SUP][39][/SUP]

Researchers who have been criticized for accepting grants from the fund have argued that the public debates have been disconnected from the expert debates. Robert A. Gordon, for example, replied to media criticisms of grant-recipients: "Politically correct disinformation about science appears to spread like wildfire among literary intellectuals and other nonspecialists, who have few disciplinary constraints on what they say about science and about particular scientists and on what they allow themselves to believe."[SUP][40][/SUP]
Richard Lynn's book on the Pioneer Fund

The New Century Foundation is an organization founded in 1994 known primarily for publishing American Renaissance. From 1994 to 1999 its activities received considerable funding by the Pioneer Fund,[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP] and has been described as a white supremacist group,[SUP][4][/SUP] which its founder, Jared Taylor, denies, calling it white separatist.

should i also post about richard lynn, charming fellow that he is? or are you about done defending white supremacy for today?
The New Century Foundation is an organization founded in 1994 known primarily for publishing American Renaissance. From 1994 to 1999 its activities received considerable funding by the Pioneer Fund,[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP] and has been described as a white supremacist group,[SUP][4][/SUP] which its founder, Jared Taylor, denies, calling it white separatist.

should i also post about richard lynn, charming fellow that he is? or are you about done defending white supremacy for today?
Is that all you got? :lol:

By all means post away.
Last Tuesday DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson admitted that the Obama Administration has been artificially inflating deportation numbers.

In its first four years, the Obama administration deported 3.2 million aliens, averaging just about 800,000 per year. It is on the Homeland security Website in an annual publication that is routinely consulted by everyone who covers the issue except, apparently, to verify advocates’ claims on deportations.

This is the lowest number since Nixon even Carter deported more. They are infact down
by around 50%.

How does it feel to be lied to, and deceived by president Obama?


http://cis.org/OpedsandArticles/Obama-Record-Deportations -*source used in past by Justice Kennedy, and Congress

I am not surprised. The democratic lying machine is wide fucking open. Every time some dem opens his or her mouth they are telling lies.. They only one that hasn't lied in my opinion, is the bitch that took the 5th twice..
here's a picture of the man who defends white supremacists making a delicious puree out of his aborted child.


later that night, they served white cake.
here's a picture of the man who defends white supremacists making a delicious puree out of his aborted child.


later that night, they served white cake.
That was taken way before we ate our aborted child and I don't like white cake.

I like the dark mix!!!
[h=1]U.S. Latino groups expect relief after meeting with 'deporter in chief'[/h]By Roberta RamptonMarch 14, 2014 7:18 PM


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U.S. President Barack Obama speaks before signing a Presidential Memorandum on modernizing the overtime …

By Roberta Rampton
[h=2]Related Stories[/h]

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Latino groups and immigration advocates said on Friday they expect President Barack Obama to ease back from record deportations of people living illegally in the United States after discussing their concerns with him for almost two hours.
Obama announced late on Thursday that he had decided to review deportation practices to seek a more "humane" way to enforce immigration laws.
resident Barack Obama is being tagged with a new label - deporter in chief - that is coming from a usual Latino ally and his own party.Janet Murguía, president of the National Council of La Raza, one of the pre-eminent Latino organizations, called Obama “deporter in chief” in a speech at the organization’s gala Tuesday.

The President clearly heard what was said. On Thursday, at a town hall on Latino health care enrollment, Obama said "I am the champion in chief of comprehensive immigration reform," when asked a question about enrollment information and immigration status. He added he had to enforce the laws passed by Congress.
Murguia's statement was intended to deride Obama for at or near 2 million people deported under his watch and to pressure him to use presidential powers to reduce deportations. It also served as a slam on House Republican claims that they can't go forward with immigration reform legislation because they don't trust the president to enforce U.S. law.
“Seriously? Failing to enforce our laws? For us, this president has been the deporter in chief,” Murguía said in her gala speech.

resident Barack Obama is being tagged with a new label - deporter in chief - that is coming from a usual Latino ally and his own party.Janet Murguía, president of the National Council of La Raza, one of the pre-eminent Latino organizations, called Obama “deporter in chief” in a speech at the organization’s gala Tuesday.

Thank you for your feed back even though it was an advertisement. We do
appreciate it and because of this you have been selected for our next video.
You can be a super star as well! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=I79wUEqBdQc#t=0
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Latino groups and immigration advocates said on Friday they expect President Barack Obama to ease back from record deportations of people living illegally in the United States after discussing their concerns with him for almost two hours.
Obama announced late on Thursday that he had decided to review deportation practices to seek a more "humane" way to enforce immigration laws.

Thank you for pointing out the Obama/open border group lies.
It was however well documented in the opening of this thread
here's a picture of the man who defends white supremacists making a delicious puree out of his aborted child.

We appreciate your opinion ( including the usual pathetic attempt at distraction)and recognize that even though you can not dispute the truth your
blind allegiance is admirable to some . We welcome the indoctrinated, and you have been selected for an upcoming Obama video as well.