Nutrition and trace elements


Hi guys,

So, I'm planning on growing my first time and i've done my reading. i did a lot of research on what kind of nutrients to use and when, the NPK rates and stuff like that.
The thing is, since this is my frst time, i don't wanna go out and spend a lot of money on good cannabis-specialised nutes like Fox Farms and so on. so i did some research on some DIY fertilizers and found some good stuff.
(here's link to a page that had some DIY recipies that i thought were looking good http:// )

now i also found some nutrients for house plants that my mom once bought some time ago. the brand's name is Pokon and i found 2 bottles that i think i could use:

Universel feed with a NPK of 7-3-7 also containing some trace elements (0.02%B 0.004%Cu 0.04%Fe 0.02%Mn 0.002%Mo 0.004%Zn)
and a bottle with just trace elements (0.2%B 0.02%Co 0.5%Cu 0.3%Fe 0.5%Mn 0.02%Mo 0.5%Zn)

i think i could use the universel one during growing stage, and i might add some more phosfor for the flowering or just buy another one with a good NPK value for flowering.
what i'd like to know is, if using the trace elements bottle would benefit my plants? or is it realy unnecessary and would i just be taking more risks of poisoning the plants with to much trace elements?
the label for the universel feed says to use it twice a month and i think it is about 20 ml per 1/2 l (it has a 'automatic' dosing system, you just flip the bottle, so it could be less i have no idea) and the trace elements bottle also says to use it twice a month but i don't know if your supposed to use these together... and what the consequences would be if you would.

any tips or advice is very welcome and appreciated!