
I killed my first crop. This is my second crop. I have 2 plants. I am having trouble with my Northern Lights. I used a green tea mixture from the grow store on it a few weeks ago and the leaves started turning yellow. I also sprayed them with Neem and it didn't help with the turning colors of the leaves. What did I do wrong? I fed them again yesterday with an organic vegetable fertilizer. These plants are still in veg stage and I don't want to lose either one. Another problem is that they hold water for about 3 weeks. They do not drain well. They are in 5 gallon containers. Is this hurting them or is it okay? I've got a tester and I'm using organic products. The Ph level is good, the light is showing at a range of 1 1/2 -2 on my tester. I am using 4 ft flourescent lighting in a closet space.


Well-Known Member
you're probably using too much of the nutes. you need to dilute them depending on the plants age. and apparently you're growing in soil? ease up on the nutes. if it's soil, it might not even need any because the soil might have time released nutes.


Well-Known Member
How much perlite did you add to soil? I like GH GO box of nutes relatively cheap and full line. Dosages on their website.