red riding hood
I killed my first crop. This is my second crop. I have 2 plants. I am having trouble with my Northern Lights. I used a green tea mixture from the grow store on it a few weeks ago and the leaves started turning yellow. I also sprayed them with Neem and it didn't help with the turning colors of the leaves. What did I do wrong? I fed them again yesterday with an organic vegetable fertilizer. These plants are still in veg stage and I don't want to lose either one. Another problem is that they hold water for about 3 weeks. They do not drain well. They are in 5 gallon containers. Is this hurting them or is it okay? I've got a tester and I'm using organic products. The Ph level is good, the light is showing at a range of 1 1/2 -2 on my tester. I am using 4 ft flourescent lighting in a closet space.