Nutrients help?? How much to give?? 30-30-15??


Active Member
My basic question is how much nuts do u give a plant during veg and during flowering and what do u use?

Now i know that ur not suppose to feed during the first weeks of vegging, and start gradually but like what kind of nutrients do i use, and how much of each.

now im using bloom 2-6-6 for flowering and using it at full strength for what it recomends (2 tbl) and thats it.

I read something like 10-20-20 is good for flowering so should i just use like 4 times as much, get a diff nut, and add other kinds till i reach 10-20-20 or something close to that.

also would 30-30-15 be good for veg, and can i use gauno everytime i water??

thanks for the help, +reps for help


Well-Known Member
You need to start off using no more than 1/2 of the recommended dosage thats stated on the bottle. If you go full strength or quadruple the dosage to equal some crazy number then just plan for a funeral.
You should have your plants on a schedule of water, nute, water, water, nute or something like that. It really depends on your set up and how the plants react. One of my more agressive grows was nute, nute, water, nute, nute, water.
Do some research and read, read, read because what your asking is really showing a lack of knowledge. PLEASE DONT GET ME WRONG!! I am not trying to hurt your feelings, but you need to educate yourself abit. This site is very helpful especially when you show effort.

:peace: :joint: