Nutrients for my plants? Need help Please

Hello everyone, I am a newb at growing and I have a couple of questions. But first I will explain what i have. I have to plants growing (bag seeds) for the first three weeks i was only using a 75 watt "grow light" floro from walmart. Not knowing anything about growing i thought sweet, but come to find out not worth it for only 580 lumen. So i got a new set up which has been going for three days now which is right around 3500 lumen.

Now my question is what nutrients should i be putting in at this stage?

Thanks :joint:



Well-Known Member
Get urself some the fox farms trio. If u plan on growing more in the future, it can only benifit to have them around. If not try, Jr Peters jacks classic and bloom. Thier both great, but it depends on if ur a once a year, or a Lifer!! peace and weed grease!
dude plants need a minuim of 15000 lumions to grow.and i use fishermualtion til my plants are 2 months old then switch to "kool bloom vegi" and "ozi grow vegi"use 100ml of kool bloom per 10lts and 90 ml ozi grow per 10 lts mix em both together and your plants will boom man.but it does cost fair bit it cost me $80 australian for both but its worth it!