nutrient help...

i am very very new to growing. not sure if i have a "green"thumb but i am very anxious to find out. i went to the local hydro shop and did alot of questioneering and found that dyna-gro is a very highly spoken nute brand. is this true? its a basic 2 part and seems pretty easy but i am very drawn to the AN line because of all the rep they get. also, i am doing autos for my first grow. what kind of regimen should i go with since these wont be "huge" or even normal sized plants. half strength? quarter strength? i am awaiting lowlife hindu kush from attitude to arrive on my doorstep fyi. any suggestions? also, if i do go with the basic 2 part or even a 3 part system, whats th best thing to add to get the most massive buds possible? i want my babys to get so fat my jaw will drop from the comprehension... suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU and to the world of growing our special plants. The first thing you need to remember in growing with your question about nutes, less is more. I would suggest that anytime you are using nutes whether they be organic or petro based is to start off at 1/4 strength and work your way up in your dosage. Your babies won't need anything given to them the first 2 to 3 weeks depending on your growing medium and what is available to the plant in this medium.
As far as getting the huge High Times mag cover shot.......good luck and it is a goal most of us desire. Your bud size is going to be in the genetics, enviroment, and of course what you are feeding her, all plants will grow differently even clones grow out somewhat differently from each other. Just keep reading, asking questions and trying new methods of growing until you find what works for you.
Good Luck and Happy Growing
Thanks so much can fan. It's a bit tricky necause im startong out with am auto strain so im not sure if I should go with full strength at any point due to the short and small nature of the plant. Thanks again can fan. Rep+


Well-Known Member
Autos are fairly easy to work with from what exprience I have with them, not much only a few plants over the past few years. With my autos, I started out in the second week and feed them until the last week before harvest. I should tell you now that I use organics, mostly fish emulsion and a few other things and I do not subscribe to flushing my plants. Using organics has always given me the smoothest smoke without having to stress my plants further by drowning them with fresh water. I hope this helps with the autos.
Thank you much for the + rep and please let us know how your grow finishes out. If I can be of any other help please feel free to PM.



Well-Known Member
Long time auto grower others have pointed out, be very conservative with nutes. I grow dank little monsters with one main thing...patience. I use organic soil (nuteless) and organic nute (bio-bizz) and start very light feedings with appropriate nutes at about 2 weeks old.....letting them mostly dry out between waterings which aids root growth in seeking their moisture needs. Get familiar with how light or heavy your pot is before and after watering......
As I said, be CONSERVATIVE with every step.... do not not overnute....and do not overthink.....simple works.......
Lowlife autos are one of my fav autos and are fairly hardy.....if you're patient enough, you'll see your plant almost explode at about a month old....
Get your lighting, ventilation etc in line, you'll be good.
BTW: I have never flushed any of my plants.....I vape so I can taste the distinctive flavors of each variety I grow.......