Nutrient help!!!!

Whatsup guys just got back from the hydro store ok I just got a goldmine from this guy just need some advice, ok this is my second grow and I'm using ice from nirvana, I'm using hollands secret micro grow and bloom, sm-90, super b+, calmag. Ok I was using ton of bud for the 3 and 4 week of flowering and use the heavies for the 5-9 week. So I go to the hydro store today and I'm looking at it and the dude is like I got something new and showed me this stuff called Moab- mother of all blooms, he says it is better and "there's a reason he uses it." also he has this home made organic fertilizer he made he said it was just like carboblast? But he added molasses this guy is a scientist. Also he ave me a free sample of this stuff called snow storm ultra? Ok basically he gave me a chart that is awesome to follow and every nutr I'm using is on the chart. He said if I follow the chart I shouldn't have to worry about ppm and that I can use all o those nutes together at once the micro, grow, bloom, calmag, sm90, super b+, Moab, the snow storm ultra, and his homemade carboblast he calls sparkles haha and he took some and ate it to show me it was organic can I use all that stuff it's a small hydro setup 2 plants any help would b awesome or opinions on those products he said e likes fr us guys to have the ight setup haha Sorry for rambling