Nutmeg High


Active Member

I'v done a wholeeee shit load of reasearching for this, but tonight im going to do it.

I will let you know of my reports after.

In detail. :):mrgreen:

Weed Guy

Master Roller
So......What happened? I was gonna try some tonight. But after reading around, i heard it can kill you.


Well-Known Member
wtf you might as well go smoke a tea bag at least it smells like weed when it burns ROFL damn somebody has to be desperate to get high. fuck go buy some cough medicine and drink it. nutmeg??? i know stoners don't like to go with out weed but damned if i'm gonna give myself a migraine, fuck that shit i'd be hunting up a dealer or something. crazy fuck go kill yourself you make potheads look bad.


Well-Known Member
Thats an old one .Ate nutmeg once and only once..True you will get stoned as was the case with un-sterlized morning glory seeds, but you'll puke your guts out. Plus you'll freak every time you taste or smell it.. 30+ yrs. still can't eat nutmeg


Well-Known Member
I heard on manswers its potentially fatal as wel if you smoke too much..Maybe it was something else..they tested tons of dumb crap you can get high off of if for some cant get weed..