I did the nutmeg thing once and what I do know is this.
It tastes like shit,
Did in fact give me bloodshot eyes, and I didnt feel a damn thing except enough curiosity to ask, am I feeling anything?
I can almost guarantee there probably are some weird ways by which to get high, and some maybe havent been discovered yet. Howeer, I think the nutmeg thing is bogus, especially since anyone who ever seems to bring it up like its the best thing ever is usually a tool. That being said Im not saying it doesnt work just because it didnt do shit for me, maybe it only works with a certain type, I dont know. I do know that I used fresh ground nutmeg, and I reluctantly downed about 8 of them. Now is the storyteller that always seems to lurk around and tell us these urban legends an asshole?
Or am I for trying it? lol
Who knows, Personally, I think its bogus. Nothing but false bragging by bored adolescents that were probably going through the DT's of whatever substance they ran out of to cause them to try it in the first place lol
Which would explain the high. Perhaps there is a substance in it that can get you high, if so, lets figure out how to extract it. Until then, I dont plan on dumping that crap down the old gullet. Ill stick with some bad ass mary jane and my beloved viking mead.