Nute question


Active Member
Im watching over my friends plant for the weekend and im generally new to growing. i went to pick up some nutrients its miracle grow Citrus and Fruit and its N-P-K is 10-15-15. My friends plant is currently in the flowering stage on a 12/12 cycle. I was instructed to take 1/4 nutrients and add it to a gallon jug of water and let it sit over night with the cap off and then water the plan the next day .I just want to know if i have the right nutes and if i am going about adding it to the plant the right way. any help and suggestions would be great bc i would hate to kill my boys plant,
your friend did not tell you what nutrients to feed his plants? I would have purchased organic nutrients.... How long are you going to baby sit?
well i have had for three days now and i will have it until tommorrow afternoon. all he told me about the nutes is that he wants something that is generally low in N and high in P and K
its a little high in nitrogen but it will work. Just do what he said sounds pretty good. Start at 1/4 streangth them let the plant dry out befor you water and feed again. then give it 1/2 streanth build up to full. If you see a little bit of brown stops forming back off on the nutrients
its a little high in nitrogen but it will work. Just do what he said sounds pretty good. Start at 1/4 streangth them let the plant dry out befor you water and feed again. then give it 1/2 streanth build up to full. If you see a little bit of brown stops forming back off on the nutrients
Thnx for the advice man. one othe question how do i tell the strength of how much nutrients adding to the water. Is it 1/4 a tsp. or something like that?
I read the lable. you cant really go wrong with that. some nutrient manufatures have feeding charts on thier website. A good rule of thumb is start off at 1/4 streangth nutes and work your way up to full strenghth.