nute, heat, light burn or smth else?


Active Member
I have made a dramatic change to my setup today:

1. added steam air humidifier - humidity in the tent increased from 26% to 36% in 16 hours
2. changed light - i found out to have a bulb that is 95% flowering and 5% growth. I have changed to MH GIB GROWTH lamp today.
3. trimmed my plants (!) - I was stoned and now I think it wasnt a best idea. I ve cut off all the nute burned leafs and some bigger top leave to let more light through.

Today in the evening I have noticed a small brown marks on upper leaves of my favourite, biggest plant. She gets a little more light than the others...

What is that?
Is it related to heat, humiditiy and light?
I thought this could happen because I used steam to increase humidity and maybe additional water burned the leaves?

Let me know what you think.



Active Member
tips of leaves are curling up. I have taken another picture of the same plant - another leaf - you can see it much better there.
Another plant in the next picture - curling leaves.



Active Member
Keep a close eye on high heat and humidity. Also, do you have your air constantly being circulated, with new air coming in?


Active Member
Keep a close eye on high heat and humidity. Also, do you have your air constantly being circulated, with new air coming in?
the air is being circulated all the time.
there is an intake fan that provides some fresh air from outside.
the fan is pointed towards the plants and humidifier.


Well-Known Member
why do u have a humidifier? u should probably just take that out, are u making clones? if not then u dont need it. if anything save up for a DEhumidifier


The edges of the leaves curling up is heat stress- the plants can not transpire enough water though they are trying. This is usually due to too much heat while plants do not have a large enough root mass. Also, everything is cumulative & interconnected. So, if temps are high & plants are small, higher nute levels with exacerbate the situation. Low humidity levels will also contribute. You have a combo going on. Also, the steam humidifier is contributing to the heat (it is warm air, no?). This is your primary problem, heat. Ditch the humidifier. Also, as the plants get larger, they will transpire a considerable amount more & you will likely get a 10% jump anyway. Ideally, to prevent mold, you want to be 30-40% & never go above 50%. BTW, the spotting on the leaves is due to a mg deficiency. Add CalMag+ at rate of 1ml per gal which should give you appx 70ppm rise in tds. This will address that issue... assuming your pH's are correct. The pH issue is usually the no1 reason for deficiencies. Pay close attention to starting & runoff pH... you can appx what is going on in your medium from this & consequently infer what the plant is doing. Don't cut anything esle. Best.


Active Member
wow, thanks a lot!
I'll get rid of the humidifier today ;-)
The only thing that concerns me is that I am using a very complex mix of nutes for my system.
it consists of:
1. GHE Bio Roots - organic composition for root growth
2. GHE Bio Bloom - organic, extending growth in veg state
3. GHE Bio Protect, organic, sprays on leaves
2. GHE One Part TOTAL BLOOM (not using this one yet)

Oh, The most important - I also have some strange powder that is called MINERAL MAGIC. Also from GHE. I am not sure how to use it though. When I mixed it with water - some of it has dissolved but some stayed in the bottom of the res as a sand(?)
Do you think this could solve Mg problem?
Don't you think that they should habe perfectly balanced Mg ? I just changed my water today and added stronger doses. I went to 3/4 of the recommended dose now - maybe it is not enough?

Thank you for help guys, Gio - I appreciate your detailed diagnosis.

I'll let you know if it got any better. I am planning to be in some good hydro shops next week - I hope I'll get everything I could need.
