Nute burn??


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell for sure but it does look like the beginning of nute burn. Either that or the start of a magnesium defeciency, but that is unlikely. Seedlings don't need any nutes at all till the 3rd set of leaves.. Have you been feeding from the the start or no?


Active Member
Hard to tell for sure but it does look like the beginning of nute burn. Either that or the start of a magnesium defeciency, but that is unlikely. Seedlings don't need any nutes at all till the 3rd set of leaves.. Have you been feeding from the the start or no?
nope i just feed her like 2 days ago with a very very small feeding


Well-Known Member
looks like a ph imbalance. check that first. a dolo lime drench at 1 tbsp/gal will bring it up if needed.


Well-Known Member
Hi GK,
Seedlings can grow a little twisty when exposed to nutrients to early. Is that Coco and was it rinsed and buffered? It certainly has symptoms of a Mg deficiency like the Nameless said.


Active Member
This would have been my next suggestion.

So mag Defiency or a pH issue? Are those the 2 most possible reasons why this is happening? Any other possible resons? As for now I'll let her grow and see what happens but If this continues what's my best bet to reverse it? Thanks


New Member
I need help.. I haven't given any nutes yet just tap water Ph 7.4 runoff Ph was 6.4 few days ago an yesterday runoff was 7.1 and leaves have gone yellowish brown and curling upwards at the edges... new growth seems healthy


It looks like Mag Deficiency to me. You go can go to Home Depot and get some gardening lime in their gardening section. Add the lime to new soil and transplant. Let me know if that works.