nute burn?


Well-Known Member
i think i may have nute burn i have 2 pics of the leaves wit the most detail
bu im new to adding pics so i hope it works



Well-Known Member
looks llike ur babies are around 2-3 weeks. hydro, escpecially DWC, which by the way is the bomb, needs to be under 6, like 5.5 - 5.8. 750 ppm's seem way too much even for a heavy indica, especially if under fluros, under 4 weeks and under a foot


Well-Known Member
depends-if those are the first set of fans and it stops there-i.e-not to any higher fans-than just back off the ppm's. if has pregoressed than flush your res and lower ppm's to 400. may want to do that anyway.
and brother please lower that ph to under 6