Nute burn, Or Fungus Gnat damage?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.

I've been growing my little girl for 10 days now and she's not looking exactly healthy, She had to be replanted at 5 days old because of mold growing in her pot.

She was placed in miracle grow humidity control potting soil and looked okay for a couple days, then the first set of big leafs started to droop and I noticed a fungus gnat on my plant...

I killed the stupid bug but could tell that it had eaten some of the leaf, and it slowly turned the first big leafs brown/yellow around spots that were munched on.

The plant is still rather small for how old it is, But all the new leafs that are sprouting are completely green and don't look infected.

Does anyone have any idea what's happening/happened to my plant? I wish I could upload pictures but my phone is broken...


Well-Known Member
Fungus gnats do not feed on leaves, only root systems...guessing here you may have a fungal disease due to overly wet conditions.

Or nute burn as you mentioned, which won't happen that bad unless you add some more nutes to that pre-fertilized MG you're using.


Well-Known Member

Well should I just cut off the infected 2 leafs? It's the first 2 big ones it grew and they are 50% brown/yellow.

Like I said, all new growth is alright looking.


Well-Known Member

Well should I just cut off the infected 2 leafs? It's the first 2 big ones it grew and they are 50% brown/yellow.

Like I said, all new growth is alright looking.
Yep, remove them as they are no longer processing light those lower leaves are too close to your soil line. That's a recipe for disease/insects on your plant.

Do you have a magnifying glass?. If not, look under the leaves and check for insects. Also sounds like you could use more air circulation in general.

Edit: And that fan leaf with the yellow tip appears too close to soil line as well.


Well-Known Member
That picture I posted isn't mine, It's just something similar.

Mine is 10 days into veg and waaaay smaller. I just removed the 2 leafs that had the damage. Fingers crossed ,I will try to get a magnifying glass tonight


Well-Known Member
Looks like you had an overwatering problem that you have corrected. only 10 days for real? that's a lot of leaves for 10 days. looks good now ....keep it up
edit: okay see your post now


Well-Known Member
how the hell are you going to post a picture of somebody else s plant??? that's not going to do a damn thing for your plant.. post a pic of YOUR plant and you/we will get a better idea of what to do with YOUR plant..
That picture I posted isn't mine, It's just something similar.

Mine is 10 days into veg and waaaay smaller. I just removed the 2 leafs that had the damage. Fingers crossed ,I will try to get a magnifying glass tonight


Well-Known Member
'here's a picture of what mine looks like'

Looks exactly like what happened to mine? I don't have a Camera because my smartphone is broken so what are my alternatives?

OBVIOUSLY I'd post a picture of my own plant, Thanks a lot for the helpful comment bass.


Well-Known Member
'here's a picture of what mine looks like'

Looks exactly like what happened to mine? I don't have a Camera because my smartphone is broken so what are my alternatives?

OBVIOUSLY I'd post a picture of my own plant, Thanks a lot for the helpful comment bass.
But you should have told us that from jump, b/c the result was our wasting time diagnosing the wrong plant.

Any leaves touching the surface of your soil will cause those symptoms as shown in the pic of someone else's plant.

And you mentioned mold, which does not occur unless your humidity is too high and/or room air circulation is poor.