Nute burn getting worse any suggestions?


So about three 3 days ago I noticed that one of my plants was really burnt on a bunch of leaves. So I stopped nuting all the plants because I noticed that the other two also were a bit burnt aswell, but not as bad. It has been almost a week since I last fed them. I gave them plain phed water on Monday and then this morning when I watered again I gave them a bit extra water so more drains out the help get some nutes out of the soil. The other two plants are looking ok but this one's really not doing well any suggestions? It's my first grow and this plant is 6 weeks in to flower


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Can anyone else help because Bernie does not know what he is talking about this is what the plants look like today please help


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Can anyone else help because Bernie does not know what he is talking about this is what the plants look like today please help

com-on they look totally different,

Looks like nute burn to me.
What was the run off ppm? Did you check when you just watered it?
Flush pot till the run off is around 500 ppms, renute at 1/2-3/4 of what you were doing, add back some microbes. Resume normal operations. Your late in flower there isnt much more you can do or would want to do. You ride it out and learn from what you did.

What was the ppm you were feeding at? What nutes? Are you feed feed feed feed water or water water feed water feed water water kind of watering person.
yeah these tips burnt are the result of a moderate overfeeding that occured a week before
first you had the tips of leaves doing small claw .. then these claws became dead material (burnt tips)
its ok continue this wai, be sure to flush 2 weeks before harvest to clean these accumulations
feed lighter to finish
will be ok
maybe add a little bit of epsom salt to smooth things over. The tops look a little mag deficient in the last pic, probably using an led light.
I haven't been measuring ppm only pH. I have made grave mistakes for one the two part nutes I bought I mixed correctly but have only been watering them with that since the start of flower. I read this week that I should have been feeding once every third water. Also I never watered enough to get any run off so I feel like the soil is super toxic right now. They were last fed over a week ago at this point and have had two flushes and still worsening results
I haven't been measuring ppm only pH. I have made grave mistakes for one the two part nutes I bought I mixed correctly but have only been watering them with that since the start of flower. I read this week that I should have been feeding once every third water. Also I never watered enough to get any run off so I feel like the soil is super toxic right now. They were last fed over a week ago at this point and have had two flushes and still worsening results

The damaged leaf isnt going to get better. Once that situation starts there really isnt going back to normal, unless you can catch it way before that happens.

Your fix with this is the same flush the pot with clean water, renute at 1/2 strength, add back some microbes as you need those guys on the roots working for you. Ph'ed at 6.5. Then go from there. Your basically resetting the pot/soil and starting with a base line you will be able to monitor and keep track of what you are doing to make informed decisions on what to do next.

and you need a quality ppm meter to know what ppm you are feeding at. Just going off of a label on a bottle is usually way too much.
or if you dont have a ppm meter flush pot renute at what you were giving it since you flushed out all the excessive salts. 600 ppms would be fine imo with that plant.

Or if your going off of the bottle recommendations use that at half strength. I kind of dont make any sense but hopefully you'll get what I am trying to say. Use less next time - if you dont have a meter.

add back some microbes
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when you've been overfeeding, you need to flush your medium. use at least three times the volumes of the pot, and pour it in slowly, so it has time to grab all the depleted salts and excess nutrients out of the soil. then immediately after that, water with half strength nutrients, then go to the recommended cycle for your nutes, but start out at about half the strength they recommend, and work up from there.
or if you dont have a ppm meter flush pot renute at what you were giving it since you flushed out all the excessive salts. 600 ppms would be fine imo with that plant.

Or if your going off of the bottle recommendations use that at half strength. I kind of dont make any sense but hopefully you'll get what I am trying to say. Use less next time - if you dont have a meter.

add back some microbes
How do I add back microbes??
Use a supplement like orca or great white is one way, what type of nutes do u use?organic nutes create bacteria in the medium which then create energy for the roots.and chemical nutes feed direct to the roots , I'm a bit hammered so don't quote me on that my memory is terrible these days lol but somebody on here will when you flush your rinsing away your good bacteria uv spent months cultivating if organic nutes, if chemical type it shouldn't matter too much but the added microbes will help em get back on their feet and protect from the shock of a flush maybe.sorry if all that's a bit confusing lol it's burnt my head out typing it all.anyway good luck mate
How do I add back microbes??

the veg is very similar to the bloom microbes so just get the bloom and use that in veg also, no need to buy both. Or you could brew a tea, or if you were in veg I would say to add ewc to the top and water that in to get some microbes back in there.
How do I add back microbes??,aps,177&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_4
great white is well known, but i've used the root naturally brand for 1/3 the price, and it works great.
this is just one thing though, add this, and you've got just about everything you need®-1-Liter/dp/B000TM97NA/ref=sr_1_15?crid=3A3QJUMRU1VN1&keywords=bacterial+inoculant+fertilizer&qid=1574642488&sprefix=bacterial+innocula,aps,174&sr=8-15

i've used both of these products and like them, a lot
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Soooooo one of the plants has not recovered the leaves even the grean ones crack if you touch them and browning has slowed but it's slowly dieing I think. The other one has really bounced back and I can see new growth on the buds. My question is should I harvest the one plant now or is there is it worth leaving it untill the end?


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