nute burn from superthrive! anything i can do?

Dr Dro

Active Member
I had watered my plants with too much superthive and there badly burned. Is there anything i can do? I have already flushed them with plenty of water. Anything else i can do?


Well-Known Member
stop giving it to them for a good while, and just water normally, clip leaves with more than 50% damage to them. let nature take its course.

Dr Dro

Active Member
i put 4 drops per gallon(first time they ever got it, there 4 weeks old).. just curious y wud it be beneficial to clip the leaves with damage? wouldnt it b better to let them just chill?


Well-Known Member
WITH MORE THAN 50% DAMAGE, a leaf that had more than 50% of its surface damaged is not efficent its photo cells are badly damaged, so instead of the plant wasting power to keep those really (50% or more) damaged leaves, you just clip them and let the plant work towards growing new leaves. If its really bad just clip the worst of the damaged leaves. Again with the 50%. if you remove more than 50% of the plants leaf matter it will go into shock, so you have to be careful when removing all those damaged leaves again, try to clip the MOST badly damaged leaves first.


Well-Known Member
4 drops per gallon won't burn your'e plants.
The instructions say 1/4 teaspoon per gallon or 1 drop per small cup, and you are way under this amount.
However, if you used foliar feeding with the lights on you can burn them.
Any more info?


Well-Known Member
Has to be something else I don't think superthrive is even considered a nute,nothing but B vitamins what else went on besides superthrive?


Well-Known Member
yeah Dr Dro, Superthrive did not burn your plants. It has no nutrient value, nothing but vitamins and hormones.

Dr Dro

Active Member
huhmmmm well then this brings up a very interesting point that i never thought about.....i had slugs eating my plants so in my rage i had threw a shit load of salt uncontrollably all over my plants and soil lol.... could this have been my mistake?

photos are coming later todayy


Well-Known Member
I've gave a plants everything from 1/4 tsp to problem a full tsp per gallon and I never had even the slightest burns from Super Thrive.

Throwing salt on the plants!? Yeah that probably was it... they'll need some time and flushing to recover


Well-Known Member
Salts built up in the soil from nutes is bad so salting for the slugs screwed things up.

As said before flushing will help.

Salt worked on those slugs though, didn't it. :hump: Maybe next time try this.


Well-Known Member
huhmmmm well then this brings up a very interesting point that i never thought about.....i had slugs eating my plants so in my rage i had threw a shit load of salt uncontrollably all over my plants and soil lol.... could this have been my mistake?

photos are coming later todayy
I think deep down you allready know the answer to that question,the salt kicked the slugs lil greasy ass'es but unfortunately it kicked your plants ass'es as well.

Flush heavily.