numerous problems with plant please help!


Some of the bottom leaves were completely yellow and dying so I removed them and a lot of the leaves all over the plant are starting to have this pale green, slight yellowish look to them also some leaves have yellow tips, there are also a lot of purple/red stems on my plant. I thought it was nitrogen def so I gave it a little extra of the fox farm grow big and big bloom, its been about 2 days now and nothing seems to be improving, its also 4 days into flowering ( if that matters).

Also new growth seems to be growing deformed and parts of some leaves are missing.

any help is appreciated thanks!


Well-Known Member
look healthy to me as well, don`t think you need to worry or make it to complicated and add a lot of stuff, let it do its thing its on its way and look good..

might just be Bc. you entering flowering/the stretch where it grow the most and use a lot of Nitrogen, add a bit more N. and maybe some Ca/Mg
but be careful, soon its done with the stretch and will begin to set Bud`s and will not need much Nitrogen at that time it will need a lot of P and some K ...

last question, how big is your pot ? and did you do a repot before 12/12 ?


When I bought the tub it never said on the label any of the dimensions of it, I literally just had to guess what would be 'Big enough'


Well-Known Member
Well do you have a tape measurer? whats the diamater and height? You want it in one that is about 11-12" in diamater and about 13-15" tall


Well-Known Member
Its either rootbound or the ph is out causing the N def, what is the ph? Needs fixing because you need large green leaves in flowering.


the pot is 12"" across and 11.5"" in height. To be honest it could be the pH, sometimes I find it hard to maintain a good pH as the water and feed will always be changed to 6.5 with my pH up or down however within like 2 days it will make its way back up to 7 - 7.5. It was about 7 - 7.5 when this started happening I think so maybe it could be to do with the pH? I fed it yesterday morning so its still currently sitting at 6.5.